
Plant: Citrus Limonum
Odor: fresh, crisp, citrusy
Method of production: mechanical straining
The part of the plant from which the oil is obtained: the bark of the fruit
Main ingredients: limonene, cineole, beta-pinene, geraniol, D-limonene, citral

Lemon essential oil has been used for healing purposes for thousands of years in China, India and in some areas of the Arabic peninsula.

It was imported to Europe during the Crusades and gained in popularity over time until it took root in the early 16th century.

It was transported to America in 1493 and spread to the New World thanks to the Spanish conquerors.

In 1747, James Lind was the first to experiment with lemon juice when studying sailors suffering from scurvy. He found that adding this fruit to the diet greatly prevented the disease. Today we know that this is due to the abundance of vitamin C in lemon.

The healing powers of fresh lemon are also retained in its oil which relieves depression, strengthens concentration, raises vitality, strengthens immunity. It improves mood and reduces stress. In addition, it increases motivation and improves attention.

Inhaling lemon oil molecules reduces sweating, relieves sore throat and relieves problems caused by bronchitis.

Lemon oil is thought to promote weight loss, relieve asthma attacks and cure gastric diseases.

If you have a high fever, reach for lemon oil because it has been shown to work against influenza and other infectious diseases such as malaria and typhoid.

Main benefits of lemon oil

  • elevates mood
  • reduces anxiety and stress
  • alleviates insomnia
  • strengthens concentration
  • raises energy
  • dispels the headache
  • disinfects wounds
  • helps with weight loss
  • works well on problematic skin
  • improves digestion
  • protects against viruses
  • helps with bronchitis and asthma
  • stimulates liver and kidney function

How to Use Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon Essential Oil

There are a number of ways to use this oil – by spraying it into the air, applying it locally to the body or taking it internally. Be sure to use real, 100% natural lemon oil.

You can use a diffuser or a scent lamp to spray lemon essential oil.

You can also inhale the oil with an inhaler and you can add it to a warm bath.

For use in a nebulizer or scent lamp, it is sufficient to drop four to eight drops of lemon oil into the water.

For use in the bath, pour 3-5 drops in a hot water-filled tub. If you have been in the bath for a long time, after half an hour, add some more drops.

For inhalation, pour 3 drops into a pot with half a liter of hot water, bend over the pot and cover your head with a towel.

Local application

Due to its antibacterial properties, lemon oil disinfects wounds and helps them heal faster.

As an astringent agent, it closes pores, heals acne and reduces pain from bites and stings.

Apply a drop of lemon oil to oily skin to restrain sebaceous glands.

A little lemon oil added to the shampoo reduces hair grease and accelerates dandruff removal.

Massage lemon oil on cellulite to improve circulation and remove toxins from cells.

Rub it on a blister to reduce pain and inflammation.

Pour a few drops of lemon oil into a glass of water and use a mouthwash.

When applying the oil directly to the skin, dilute it with a base oil such as walnut, jojoba or olive.

Internal use of lemon oil

Add one drop of the oil to your morning tea or shake to boost your energy at the beginning of the day.

Pour a few drops into the dish to enhance its taste.

This oil added helps against heartburn and generally slow digestion.

It is also useful in the case of hypovitaminosis-induced diseases, anemia and high blood pressure.

Lemon oil promotes blood flow, which benefits diabetics and underserved people.

It helps with weight loss and also has a beneficial effect on stomach diseases.

Feel free to indulge in the benefits of this wonderful oil and enjoy a healthier and happier life.

If you want to disinfect your home, you do not have to buy products that are full of chemicals. There are lots of homemade recipes that might be very useful. Most commercial sanitizers have a strong antibacterial effect, wreak havoc on our immune system and lead to increased allergies, skin diseases and the development of autoimmune diseases. We can clean our homes and workplaces with environmentally and health-friendly products that will be just as effective (or even more effective in cleaning) than commercial cleaners, the advantage of which is that they are not expensive and are very easy to manufacture.

It’s practical to have essential oil diffusers in your home, so the usage of the oil blends might be easier. As always, we must be very careful with the oils we use and the combinations.

Useful recipes for essential oil sanitizers

Disinfect surfaces in the house

Ingredients: 1/3 medical alcohol or alcoholic vinegar, 2/3 distilled water, 10-15 drops of lemon essential oil

Preparation: Stir all ingredients in the bottle. Medical alcohol is a solvent of essential oils that is insoluble in water but also bactericidal. After you have prepared the solution, close the spray bottle, shake and spray the surface, leave it for a minute or two and wipe with a cloth.

For home disinfection and cleaning

Ingredients: 100 g water, 40 g vinegar, 20 g citric acid, 40 drops of lemon essential oil

Preparation: Mix all ingredients well to dissolve citric acid. Put in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle well before use, spray the surface we want to wash and let it work for 5 to 10 minutes. Then rub well with a sponge and rinse with warm water. In addition to lemons, we can put tea tree essential oils because they have pronounced antibacterial effects.

Hand sanitizers

Ingredients: 40 g aloe vera gel, 5 g vegetable glycerol, 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, 5 drops of ravensara essential oil

Preparation: Weigh aloe vera gel, vegetable glycerol, eucalyptus globulus essential oils and five drops of ravensara essential oil into a container. Mix everything well without heating and place it in a cream container or a vial of thrust.

For hand disinfection, take the amount of pea size and rub it thoroughly on your hands. There is no need to rinse your hands after this.


Disinfection wipes

Ingredients: 1/4 cup vinegar, 4 cups mineral water, 8 drops of any essential oil

Preparation: Dip cotton gauze or old cloth in the solution, squeeze well and store in a plastic bag or container that will not dry.

Scent drops in the kitchen

Use 2-3 drops of eucalyptus globulus essential oil into the sink drain and just as many drops of citrus lemon essential oil to prevent odors and bacteria build-up.

Refresh your bathroom!

The bathroom should always be impeccably clean and fresh. Therefore, after completing your usual cleansing for a complete experience of purity, you can play around with essential oils.

You can add to the sink drain:

1 drop of eucalyptus essential oil, tea tree oil, lemon and peppermint oil

Get rid of bacterias naturally!

Use 1 drop of Tea Tree Essential oil onto a dishwashing sponge. Leave overnight and rinse with dishwashing detergent in the morning. You can also fill the sink with water and add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 10 drops of tea tree essential oil to the water. Immerse in water all that you think should be disinfected – washing sponges, wooden chopping boards, etc. – leave everything in the solution overnight, rinse with plain water in the morning. Tea tree is an excellent antibacterial essential oil and is very safe to use.

As you can see, there are lots of beneficial natural sanitizers you can use to clean your home space. Refresh your home and improve your life habits with these recipes.

The most mentioned theme these days is COVID-19. The coronavirus spread worldwide and affected every area of our lives. In these tough times, we want to help by writing about the best essential oils that might help in fighting viruses and bacteria.

Aromatherapy can help against infectious diseases in the colds, viruses and flu season. Many essential oils have been proven to have antibacterial and antiviral effects, which can be used to treat a wide variety of infections, especially in conditions where conventional medicine does not produce good results. They also contain hundreds of molecules that work together to kill bacteria and viruses. Viruses do not develop resistance to essential oils, as each batch of oils is unique depending on the season, temperature and other factors.

Top 5 essential oils against viruses and bacteria

1. Tea Tree Oil

tea tree oil

One of the most effective essential oils that helps improve immunity and has strong antiviral and antibacterial properties and helps with infections. It also relieves nasal congestion and stimulates the discharge of excess mucus. Studies have shown that tea tree can prevent the influenza virus from entering the host cells.

Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it suppresses all three types of infectious microorganisms: bacteria, fungi and viruses. Thus this is the main reason some call it the “miracle from Australia”.

2. Lemon Oil

It is great for boosting immunity, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects and eliminates toxins from the body. In addition to stimulating the immune system, it also acts as an expectorant and stimulates lymphatic drainage. Lemon oil is known to alleviate cold and flu symptoms.

Note: As this oil responds to sunlight, avoid direct sun exposure for 12 hours after application to the body.

3. Eucalyptus Oil

It has a positive effect on viruses and bacteria, stimulates coughing and is especially useful in the treatment of respiratory tract infections. Aromatherapist Dr. Jean Valnet publicized that a sprayed two percent solution of eucalyptus essential oil destroys 70 percent of staphylococci in the air.

4. Lavender Oil

Lavender Oil

This oil has a relaxing and soothing effect, helps with headache, throat infection, colds and coughs. It has long been considered as a good remedy for dangerous diseases and infections. Lavender can be used as an alternative to various antibiotics and antiviral drugs. It attacks bacteria and viruses but does not form resistant layers of bacteria as antibiotics do.

5. Pine Needles Oil

Oils from this family are all used for respiratory infectionschronic coughs, in the treatment of asthmabronchitis and pneumonia. It has antibacterial and antifungal activity. It is very useful and most commonly used for inhalation against respiratory infections and coughs. The oil also acts as an analgesic, so it can be used to relieve muscle and joint pain. Due to the high content of terpene compounds in their composition, these essential oils are easily oxidized so we have to be careful using them due to possible skin irritation.

Other oils that could be also useful are MelissaOregano, Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme, Ginger.

There are several ways to use essential oils:

INHALATION – Put 1 to 2 liters of boiling water in a container and add a few drops of essential oil. Lean over the pan and put a towel over your head and inhale the essential oil steam for 5 minutes. This way you can relieve respiratory problems and this also helps with coughing. You should not use inhalation if you suffer from asthma, respiratory infections or lung diseases, as well as with children under 3 years of age.

For colds and coughs, combine the essential oils as follows:

  • 4 drops of tea tree oil, 4 drops of pine needles and 4 drops of lavender;
  • 3 drops of rosemary, 3 drops of eucalyptus and 6 drops of lavender;
  • 3ml Tea tree, 3ml Eucalyptus (Radiata), 0.5ml Oregano, 3ml Lemon;
  • 5 drops of lavender, 1 drop of thyme and 3 drops of eucalyptus.

BATH – Adding 5-8 drops of essential oil to a full bath of hot water (preferably 38 degrees Celsius). The bath should last 20 minutes. Bath with essential oils relaxes, strengthens immunity and improves the general condition of the body. Use non-irritating oils such as Chamomile or Lavender oil.

THROAT OR NOSE SPRAY – Essential oils are a natural remedy for sore throat and difficulty swallowing. Choose formulas that are safe for children and adults alike.

BY TREATING OIL TO SKIN – mix the essential oil with some base oil like almond oil, jojoba and massage on the temples, neck and forehead.

Aromatherapy Diffusion

Aromatherapy diffusion is the process of dispersing the essential oils so that their aromas gradually fill the area in which you reside. If you do not have a professional oil dispenser, you can make one yourself. Pour 3 to 4 drops of essential oil onto a cloth and place it somewhere in the room. You can also cook 2 cups of water and add 10 drops of essential oil, leave it somewhere in the room. Water vapor will heat the oils and cause rapid evaporation inside the room. These are ways that don’t last long, so you have to repeat them more often.

We should all be very careful with viruses and bacteria and take them very seriously. These essential oils might be a good solution.

Essential oils are a large part of the aromatherapy market. Natural cosmetics and treatments are becoming more and more appreciated and the global market recognizes the potential and gives more space and significance to this area of worldwide business. Last year we wrote about some of the most important essential oil fairs and events. There are lots of educational and quality events that will be organized this year as well.

Important essential oil events for 2020


Nuremberg, Germany from February 12- 15, 2020. The World’s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food & VIVANESS 2020

BIOFACH Vivaness 2020

The International Trade Fair for Natural and Organic Personal Care!

This is one of the most influential organic product fairs for years. Each year they surprise the visitors and exhibitors with organization and quality and we can’t wait for next year’s BIOFACH, because this is the perfect place to educate, promote and update about the latest organic personal care trends.

2. In-Cosmetics Global 2020

Essential Oil Events 2020

Worldwide personal care ingredients community wouldn’t be the same without this major event. The most successful suppliers and vendors on the market have a great opportunity to expand their business during this global event.

Unfortunately, this year’s in-cosmetics Global had to be postponed because of the current Covid 19 pandemic. Here are the most important event updates:

Reed Exhibitions announces that in-cosmetics Global 2020 has been postponed until 30th June. Updated on 5th March after many weeks of monitoring the evolving situation around COVID-19, we have decided to postpone in-cosmetics Global 2020 due to take place at Fira Barcelona Gran Via from 31 March – 2 April to the new dates of 30 June – 2 July 2020. This decision has been difficult because of the major importance of the event to the personal care industry.

We heard from many of you about your concerns and the travel restrictions that have been put in place in some countries and decided that postponement is the best course of action to still deliver a high-quality business Global will not undergo substantial changes and will take place in the same Hall with the same floorplan. The content program that has been communicated over the past months will still stand with minimal changes. We’re excited that we can deliver in-cosmetics Global 2020 and celebrate the 30th anniversary (albeit a bit later than planned!), and we look forward to welcoming you to the show. We really value the support of everyone involved in the event.” (in-cosmetics Global)

3. The IFA Clinical Aromatherapy Research Symposium and Trade Show

June 6, 2020, The Avenue, Richmond, TW9 2AJ, United Kingdom

This is another big aromatherapy event. This year’s conference theme will be ‘Clinical Aromatherapy Research Symposium’. Ancient history has provided anecdotal evidence of the therapeutic use of essential oils. Scientific research in recent years confirmed earlier theses and expanded the area of research. Clinical trials, clinical audits, case histories, and patient-reported outcome data also support aromatherapy benefits and effects. All of these researches and evidence created a base of loyal customers and aromatherapy supporters worldwide. Mental health, cancer care, and back pain are the areas this year’s convention will give the most space.

4. 4th International Conference on Natural Products and Medicinal Plants Research (Natural Products 2020)

September 25-26, 2020 in Montreal, Canada

The most eminent academic scientists and researchers are gathered together to discuss and increase the field of Natural Products and Medicinal Plants during this conference. Educators, practitioners and researches are given a premier multidisciplinary platform to discuss and present the most recent trends, innovations, trends, and involvement. This is why this conference is a must-go if you’re seriously in the field of Natural Products and Medicinal Plant.

5. FEAT India Study Tour, 12th to 21st June 2020.

India has a long and rich history and this year’s study tour will have the honor to explore and feel all the beauties of this magical country, it’s monuments, cuisine, culture…
Delegates will be visiting northern, western and central  India, which have diverse climatic zones facilitating the production of a wide range of F&F ingredients including several varieties of mint, agarwood (from which Oudh is produced) and Sandalwood. Essential oils area of India will also be visited, oleoresin and spice producing, processing and exporting companies dealing in a range of flavor and fragrance ingredients.

6. The Annual IFEAT Conference, 11th to 15th October 2020 in Berlin, Germany

Last, but not least, The Annual IFEAT Conference will bring together top experts in the natural care industry.

Berlin, as the capital of Germany and German culture, is also the city of media, science and of course politics. The city is the center of high-tech firms and lots of worldwide industry conventions, media corporations, research facilities. Biomedical engineering, IT, biotechnology, electronics and many other areas are all successfully promoted and developed in this modern city.

We all hope the Covid 19 pandemic will be over soon and that all of these essential oil events will take place as planned.

There are numerous stories about sandalwood, and they are mostly related to India and its mythology and religion. Sandalwood is as powerful to the Indus as Ganesha, a sacred elephant that grows slowly and grows into a large and powerful being. This is why this plant, with its strong and captivating scent, is more suited to temperamental people of fiery nature. Phlegmatic and calm people do not usually prefer this scent.

Sandalwood has been considered a very powerful aphrodisiac for thousands of years. It is irreplaceable in the form of oil while practicing the Kama Sutra and in tantrism. It is used to stimulate the root chakra, which is the center of sexual energy. Even modern science in its research has confirmed that interpersonal communication, as a primarily subconscious process that takes place without conscious intent, can be guided and stimulated by fragrant oils. It is believed that sandalwood, used as an oil, soap or perfume on the landmark, encourages openness and warmth and thus helps even those shy to gather courage and increase self-confidence. The strong aroma of the sandal also intensifies the natural scent of the skin, which has also been found to act sexually attractive.

Sandalwood bark is considered one of the most precious gifts in the East. Its essential oil is obtained from the bark of a tree that is several years old.

Sandalwood essential oil benefits and usage

Sandalwood Essential Oil

This magical oil reduces and relieves nausea and heartburn, relieves bloating and contributes to reducing gas production. It has a relaxing effect on the bowel and abdominal muscles. It is safest to use as a solution in lukewarm water, other base oils, or in combination with teas. The oil is also good for alleviating the effects of food poisoning or after prolonged use of antibiotics. In addition, it protects the internal tissues from the action of microorganisms by oral use. Surprisingly, sandal oil lowers blood pressure. It also has diuretic properties and promotes urination and helps to excrete toxins from the body through urine. While due to its antimicrobial properties, it soothes urinary tract infections.

If you use sandal oil for respiratory inhalation, you will successfully relieve dry cough and sore throat. You will also reduce the problems caused by bronchitis, as well as sinusitis. Due to its strong antibacterial and antiviral activity, it has a beneficial effect on all types of infections. In particular, it has proven effective against the herpes virus.

Research has shown that sandalwood oil for massage acts as a natural remedy for spasms and calms the body. It relaxes the nerves and muscles but also reduces the pain in them. Due to its relaxing effect on the body, it relieves the symptoms of PMS in women as well as menopausal ailments. So, to relax, be sure to try sandalwood for a relaxing massage. Of course, use some of the base oils (eg olive, sesame, almond, or burdock oil) to dilute it. Another way is to relax with a scented bath that also nourishes the skin of the body.

Uses in aromatherapy

Sandalwood in aromatherapy is intensively applied because it acts as an antidepressant and soothes nervous tension, thus helping against insomnia. The scent of sandalwood helps against stress because it promotes a sense of deep peace and helps to establish spiritual balance. It is used traditionally during meditations and also during yoga. The regular application protects against stress, relieves feelings of anxiety and fear. It also enhances concentration and memory. So there is no reason why you do not have essential sandal oil in your home. Scented sandalwood sticks are also available, which are very practical and will give your home a positive energy boost.

Sandal oil is famous as an elixir of youth, as its healing properties for face and body skincare are stunning. It has a beneficial effect on all types, it is beneficial for both dry and oily skin. It promotes balanced sebum secretion. This oil is good as a pore cleanser as it penetrates deep into all layers of the skin and provides care. It also stimulates blood and lymph microcirculation, which further stimulates the removal of dead epithelial cells. It is highly represented in anti-aging cosmetics and has positive effects on eczema and fungi. In addition, it causes faster repair of damaged tissue in the case of wounds or cuts and disinfects them. It also visibly contributes to skin hydration even if it is very dry.

Due to the richness of vitamins and antioxidants, sandalwood oil rehydrates dry skin, effectively relieves stretch marks and scars, eliminates wrinkles and blemishes.
As we can see, this is a divine and multi-useful product. However, like with any other essential oil, use it carefully and you will feel all the benefits it can give you.


Plant: Citrus sinensis L.
Odor: sweet, fresh, citrusy
Method of production: mechanical straining
The part of the plant from which the oil is obtained: the bark of the fruit
Main ingredients: limonene, myrcene, alpha-pinene, linalool

Orange essential oil is very beneficial. It strengthens our sense of self-worth and awareness that we deserve love. The oil calms, relaxes and also gives good mood and optimism. It has an antiseptic and anti-rheumatic effect. This oil is known for its revitalizing effect on the skin. Orange oil also relieves wrinkles and dermatitis, helps with muscle tension and cramps. It has a skin cleansing effect, a mild disinfectant and antibacterial effect.

Here’s one interesting study that confirmed the beneficial effects of orange essential oil:

The orange aroma was released in the waiting room of one dental office and the results showed that patients were less anxious while waiting for their turn to perform a dental examination with the dentist compared to the group that did not smell pleasant citrus aromas in the other waiting room.

What is very positive, and one study has proven, is that the aroma of orange relaxes and soothes people, but without the sedative effect of drugs. Namely, citrus aromas will really calm you down but they will also energize you without slowing you down which is a really great combination.

Usage of orange essential oil

Orange Oil Benefits

The refreshing fruit aroma oil is amazing because of its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antidepressant activity. It contains components that are strong antioxidants and prevent free radical damage to the skin. A few drops of orange oil added to the skincare cream slows down the aging process, creating wrinkles and dark spots. Orange oil protects the skin from negative effects and stimulates its production of collagen. It successfully fights bacteria and prevents acne. Added to the bath, it improves mood and creates a sense of relaxation. It is very effective if you suffer from depression or anxiety.

This oil is great to use in inhalations to accelerate recovery from flu and cold. In hair care products, it prevents greasing. It provides relief from inflammatory processes on the skin and helps heal swollen tissue, stimulating blood circulation. The oil is present in cellulite remedies as it helps to eliminate breakdown products of metabolism under the skin. Orange essential oil regenerates skin cells. Recommended for dry skincare and for wrinkles. As a massage oil, it relaxes and gives energy to the body after a busy day. Do not apply directly to the skin, it’s better to be mixed with some vegetable oil (almond, coconut, olive, castor, wheat germ oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil). It blends well with almost all other essential oils, refining their scent.


For photosensitivity, avoid using orange oil before tanning. Not recommended in pregnancy and for children under 6 years. Contact with the eyes is not recommended. Do not apply directly to the skin and mucous membranes. Not for oral use. Keep protected from light and heat, out of the reach of children.

Healthy hair is a reflection of a balanced diet, proper care and a healthy lifestyle. Our hair needs a lot of care and attention, as it is constantly exposed to the effects of harmful external factors and various chemical preparations. In addition, frequent hair washing dries the scalp which causes more sebum production and more fat. Drying the hair with a hairdryer or ironing it with various presses also causes damage to the hair and the scalp. Poor head circulation, improper rinsing of shampoos or conditioners, coarse combing, hair dyeing and allergies to hair care products are just a few of the many harmful factors that affect the health of our hair.

Essential oils are powerful natural tools that, without harmful chemical additives, demonstrate exceptional strength and efficiency in maintaining and nourishing our hair and health.

In a completely natural and safe way, we can make our own arsenal successful in combating dandruff, poor circulation of the scalp, dry and cracked ends and frequent hair waving.

These aromatic oils penetrate deep into the skin and hair follicles leaving the hair healthy and shiny. Certain essential oils can be extremely beneficial for dying dry, irritated scalp prone skin. Some affect the sebaceous glands and regulate sebum secretion. While others restore her luster and volume, encouraging her growth.

Mild herbal shampoos and hair conditioners, a mixture of different oils or one particular oil, these are all good solutions for hair care.

Best Oils for Hair Care

Hair Growth Essential Oils

Lavender oil for all hair types

Lavender essential oil is effective with nurturing all hair types and the treatment of the scalp. It regulates sebum secretion very successfully, so your hair will never look sticky and greasy after washing. In addition, it prevents the appearance of oily dandruff and nourishes the scalp very actively, enhancing its blood circulation and thus promoting healthy and normal hair growth.

This oil has a positive effect on both dry and damaged hair, accelerating its renewal, making it soft and shiny.

If you want to use lavender hair oil, simply pour a few drops into your shampoo or conditioner every time you wash. Its effects will pleasantly surprise you.

Make a hair pack
The best combination with lavender oil would be a mixture of cedar essential oil (stimulates hair growth) and sage (soothes hair). After applying the conditioner to which you previously added 2 drops of these oils to your hair, allow it to stand for a few minutes. Ideally, leave the conditioner with oil on your hair for about 30 minutes. Then, rinse your hair well and try to remove all the oil from your hair. After the first wash, you will notice that your hair is softer and shinier.

Rosemary essential oil for hair care prone to rapid fat and anti-dandruff

The antiseptic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties of rosemary essential oil help against dandruff and also the hair starts to grow much slower to grease and at the same time strengthens the hair’s resistance.

Homemade Dandruff Shampoo:
– 10 drops of rosemary essential oil,

– 5 drops of lavender essential oil,

– 250 ml shampoo made from nettle, sage, or walking grass.

Try to wash your hair at least 2-3 times a week with this shampoo.

Oily Hair Pack

Knead one small and cleaned avocado until the mass is completely sparse. Add one tablespoon of jojoba oil and a few drops of rosemary and lavender essential oil (2-3 drops). Apply to your hair, leave it on for half an hour, then rinse. Avocado is a known antioxidant. Jojoba oil is a phenomenal carrier oil, while penetrating to the root of the hair and softening it. Rosemary and lavender essential oils also regulate the secretion of fat and reduce it in time. Pack your hair with foil and a hot towel, leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse with a normally mild herbal shampoo.

Rosemary essential oil also stimulates hair growth

Thanks to ingredients – more than ten different nutrients and vitamins, rosemary essential oil can do wonders when it comes to stimulating hair growth. It is a particularly good source of Vitamin B, iron and calcium, so its application makes it possible to strengthen brittle hair and effectively help agaist the appearance of dandruff. Although many hair oils, when massaged into the scalp, improve blood circulation, rosemary does even more than that. It is often recommended for thin hair because rosemary essential oil penetrates the hair follicle, delivering essential nutrients, thereby achieving faster hair growth and density. This nourishes the hair root which is crucial for its growth. So healthy, shiny hair is something that can be easily achieved with regular use of rosemary essential oil.

Rosemary essential can be added to a mild hair shampoo (200ml shampoo and 20 drops of rosemary oil). shake vigorously before each use and make sure that the shampoo does not come into contact with the eyes).

Jojoba oil for the care of dry, cracked and damaged hair

Jojoba oil is rich in vitamin E, B complex vitamins and minerals. Along with its antimicrobial action, it hydrates dry and damaged hair and scalp.

Packaging for dry and damaged hair:
Mix 5-6 tablespoons of jojoba oil with 5-6 tablespoons of olive oil. Heat over low heat and apply the oil mixture over the entire length of the hair. Wrap your hair with a warm towel and leave it on for at least 30 minutes. Then wash your hair well with a gentle herbal shampoo.

Peppermint essential oil for decay and for faster hair growth

When applied to the skin, peppermint essential oil improves circulation. This property is very useful for regenerating hair follicles and stimulating hair growth. It opens the pores and allows the scalp to breathe, making it ideal for people with dry skin.

Put 5 drops of peppermint essential oil and 5 drops of lavender oil in 2 tablespoons of heated coconut oil. Grease the hair and scalp with a mixture and leave to stand for 15 minutes. Then wash your hair thoroughly with a gentle herbal shampoo.

Sage essential oil nourishes our hair multiple times

Sage essential oil has long been used for baldness and hair loss. It stimulates the circulation and growth of new hair and also helps to eliminate dandruff.

You can make the following mixture – add 3-4 drops of sage, rosemary and mint essential oil to one tablespoon of olive oil. Massage the scalp with this mixture twice a week, then rinse with a mild herbal shampoo.


The effect and odors of essential oils are good for children and adults alike. They are especially beneficial during the winter when there are frequent respiratory problems.

Whether it is a viral or bacterial infection, many of the problems caused by low temperatures and prolonged periods of stay indoors, such as a stuffy nose, can be alleviated by essential oils.

Relaxing oils are a good choice for vapors inhalation at home and also a few drops of oil in water. However, the usage of topical aromatherapy preparations (ointments, creams and gels) is not a good option. Aromatherapy in children under six years of age is a sensitive topic for lots of aromatherapists. One should be especially careful with babies. They need a drop of essential oil with 50 milliliters of a substrate (oils, cream, baths). For children under five, the dose is doubled – two drops per 50 milliliters of the preparation. By this age, it is best to consult a homeopath or aromatherapist. After the age of five, aromatherapy is freely applied – both for skincare and for the treatment of various “conditions” in children: from colds, through sheep pox, to mumps.

Mild oils for children

Aromatherapy for children

It is generally known to parents today that early childhood is a very important developmental period, and that everything that happens during that period certainly has an impact on the later life of the child.
A wide selection of essential oils (make sure you pay attention to quality when making a purchase) allows for good disinfection of the baby’s room – the recommendation is to do it occasionally. A simple spray is sufficient, with doses of 3-5 drops of lemon, grapefruit, tea tree, chamomile, lavender, tangerine or orange essential oil. Of course, you do not have to use all of these oils, but the ones whose scent is most appealing to you and your children, while touch develops mutual trust and love. As the touch of mom’s and dad’s hands feels and recognizes, an infant is susceptible to smells from an early age, so essential oils have a much stronger effect on children than adults. However, aromatherapy oils can only be used in small doses in children and with a specific purpose. In accordance with children’s nature, the scents must be gentle and refreshing – to contribute to a sense of warmth and security.

Regarding baby skincare products, parents should pay attention to the choice of essential oils and their concentration. First of all, it is important that the essential oils are dissolved in natural substrates or carrier oils because only then can aromatherapy be applied in its true sense. Aromatherapy preparations can be in the form of skincare creams, gentle massage oils, or baths and shampoos.
When it comes to skincare for a child aged two and over – lavender, chamomile, neroli, rose or rosewood, sandalwood essential oils are very beneficial. These oils can be dissolved in a base oil such as olive, borage, marigold, jojoba or grapeseed oil. Bone fruit oils such as almonds, for example, should be avoided as allergies to it may be possible.

Massage is one of the most famous methods for healing and relaxing the body. The word comes from the Arabic word “massa” meaning touch. It plays a major role when it comes to our health. For thousands of years around the world, especially in India, mothers have massaged their children with different oils as they grew and progressed faster. In ancient Greece and Rome, it was used after battles, various physical activities or sports, for quick recovery, healing of wounds or other ailments.

Regardless of the technique, massage is a stretching, pressing, pulling out of muscle and connective tissue with varying intensity and duration. Most often it is performed with hands and fingers but various aids such as stones, warm towels and other devices are also used.

Today, if you want a massage, you can choose from over 70 types of massages. They all aim to eliminate tension, pain, stiffness, increase endurance of the body, improve circulation and eliminate stress.

What are the health benefits of massages?

The health benefits are well-known for a long time, but in the modern world, commercial spa centers provide excellent conditions for relaxing your body. In addition to relaxing the whole body, massages also improve mental health.

Massage has a positive effect on our health, mood and mobility of the body, especially if it is daily exercised. You can massage yourself as well, as you do not have to massage the whole body but individual parts of the body (back, arms, feet, head, face). Whole-body massage is liberating. Afterwards, you feel stress-free, without stress or worry, with reduced pain if you have had it. It is important to choose a massage that suits you.

Application of essential oils for massage

Vegetable and essential oils are used for massages. Their scents further relax the body but they also have a stimulating effect on certain organs, depending on what we need at that moment. Essential oils are always diluted in base oils. The composition of massage oil depends on your needs or problems you have. Note that these are high-quality oils, whether base oils or essential oils. Their quality affects how your body will react and whether the problem will be completely eliminated. It would be best to take organic, unrefined vegetable oils as well as high-quality essential oils with the necessary evidence that this is a quality product.

We need different oils for different purposes. Sometimes you will need to relax, sometimes you will have a spasm in your body and sometimes you will need to get extra energy. An experienced masseuse must listen to you and your body and apply the oil that is best for the current situation.

Essential oils also exude their scent on emotions and spirit. Specific aroma massage movements have positive effects on stimulating blood and lymph circulation, thus eliminate accumulated toxins and relax muscles and connective tissue.

With the synergy of pleasant ambience, music, silence, the therapeutic effect of human touch and the therapist’s empathy and the ability to listen to the client before and after treatment, the client will relax and feel relieved and physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually restored.

Massage essential oils

The benefits of aromatherapy massages:

  • improve blood circulation and stimulate lymph, thus helping to remove harmful substances from tissues
  • improve digestion, prevent constipation
  • they can prevent and eliminate headaches
  • enable deep sleep and prevent insomnia
  • lower high blood pressure
  • provide deeper breathing and relieve respiratory problems (deep breathing creates a sense of relaxation reducing stress)
  • trigger encephalin and endorphin that are responsible for mood swings and have the ability to relieve pain and improve mood
  • feelings of pleasure strengthen the immune system, and thus our defense against disease
  • provide deep relaxation that helps eliminate mental and physical fatigue
  • free us from chronic tension in the shoulders, neck and back
  • help to eliminate headaches caused by diseases of the stomach, gallbladder, liver and PMS
  • deep relaxation of the organism at the physical, emotional and mental levels.

The most commonly used essential oils for massage are:

Neroli – a natural aphrodisiac, acts soothing, sedative, nourishes the skin;
Ylang-ylang – a soothing effect, a strong aphrodisiac, nourishes dry skin;
Lavender – soothes the body, against stress and insomnia, care for all skin types;
Rosemary – soothes rheumatic pains;
Sage – eliminates nervousness, depression, stress, insomnia, increases libido;
Peppermint – cools the skin, relieves cramps and pain;
Black pepper – improves circulation, reduces cramps and fatigue after training, has a strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect;
Cinnamon – antiseptic, relieves pain;
Apricot – skin problems, anti-inflammatory.


Essential oils have a wide range of positive effects, however, because of the toxicity of certain organic compounds, they should be used under the supervision or recommendation of a trained person.

Modern scientific research confirms that cinnamon, “a spice more valuable than gold”, has a positive effect on many diseases.

Cinnamon essential oil is yellow in color, with a characteristic scent, according to the fragrance note, it belongs to the “spice” group, and according to the evaporation rate, it is in the lower group of essential oils (the essential oils of the lower evaporation rate relax, intoxicate, act as aphrodisiac). It is used for inhalation in case of colds, flu and sore throat because it is a strong antiseptic. Cinnamon oil has a specific pleasant, sweet smell. It blends well with citrus essential oils (especially lemon and orange oils), geranium, lavender and rosemary. It is used by steam generating with aromatherapy lamps, inhaled, in saunas, added to bathwater (mix the oil with a little milk before bathing).

Cinnamon Oil Benefits

Cinnamon oil has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. It contains high levels of antioxidants thus it is a very good source of magnesium, fiber, iron and calcium. The oil can be used to help with many diseases, such as arthritis, high cholesterol, blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, diarrhea, to boost energy and improve cognitive function, toothache, bad breath, headache.

This essential oil can also be used for linings or massage oils. In the case of direct application of cinnamon oil to the skin, due to its strong concentration, it can cause irritation!

Cinnamon essential oil is highly valued in aromatherapy. It is used in the fight against exhaustion, depression and weakness as well as flu and cold prevention. It has a strong antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal activity. A few drops of the oil added to the bath or massage oil relieves the symptoms of infections, flu and nausea. It is used to disinfect surfaces. It removes odors from rooms and removes insects such as ants, spiders, flies and mosquitoes. Added to the foot bath helps with foot fungus. It improves mood and relieves symptoms of depression.

Cinnamon Oil


The essential oil of cinnamon is applied in many ways: by application to the skin, by direct inhalation, by spray and in baths. An easy way to inhale oil leads to almost instant results. Oil evaporation will open your sinuses, unclog your nostrils and encourage deep breathing. It also works against cellulite: mix with base oil or butter and apply to problem areas, rub into the skin, then wrap the treated surface in foil or a warm towel.

For inhalation

It is used for inhalation in case of colds, flu, sore throat because it is a strong antiseptic. You can inhale with oil: from a water container, from a pillow or cotton wool, or directly from an oil bottle.

As a disinfectant

It can also be used as a natural disinfectant because it has an antibacterial effect. Dissolved in water it can be used to disinfect surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. It is also used in this way to eliminate odors. Cinnamon dissolved in water will also distract unpleasant insects such as ants, spiders, flies and mosquitoes. It can clean the toilet, fridge, door handles, microwave, etc.

It is also used for mouthwash. Pour one or two drops into a glass of water, gargle several times and spit out. Do not swallow.

To repel insects

The smell of cinnamon repels ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies. Spray a few drops of oil around the house and this will repel these insects.

In aroma lamps

Used in acute bronchitis and colds, sneezing or as prevention of depression and weakness.

In baths or massage oils

Cinnamon oil can be used by adding it to the bath or dissolved in a base oil, to relieve symptoms of bronchitis, diarrhea, infection, flu, rheumatism or arthritis. Because it is a strong antiseptic, it can be used in infections in this way. It also reduces cramps, nausea and vomiting. In such applications, care should be taken not to overdo the volume, as too much concentration can lead to irritation. Footbath: 1-2% of cinnamon essential oil solution in a foot bath is an excellent remedy for fungus removal on feet.

No matter how you decide to use this amazing gold oil, you will benefit your mind and body.