
Anxiety is a difficult mental state that affects and aggravates a man’s life. In situations when due to objective life circumstances or hypersensitivity of the nervous system, we have to fight anxiety on a daily basis. Thus, it is of great importance that we also have a natural option available such as essential oils.

In a study from 2014, conducted by the American College of Healthcare Sciences, 58 patients in need of intensive care received hand massages once a day with a mixture of essential oils of 1.5% solution with sweet almond oil. The blend of essential oils consisted of equal amounts of bergamot, incense and lavender oils. All patients who received such aromatherapy confirmed that their pain and depression were significantly reduced.

With that in mind, if you are looking for a natural way to deal with anxiety without risking side effects, essential oils are definitely worth considering.

Best Essential Oils Against Anxiety

Oils Against Anxiety

1. Rose 

There are a lot of benefits of rose essential oil, it’s dealing with emotional problems, has the ability to reduce anxiety and depression, helps with panic attacks, grief and shock.

In a study on pregnant women first published in the Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, one group of women received 10-minute inhalations and foot massages with rose oil, while another group received 10 minutes of foot massages with warm water.

The results showed that “aromatherapy and foot massage with rose essential oils reduces anxiety in the active phase in depressed women.”

2. Vetiver 

Vetiver oil has down-to-earth and calming energy, which calms and stabilizes. It is a kind of tonic for the nervous system, reduces anxiety and hypersensitivity and also helps with panic attacks and shocks.

A study from Natural Product Research that looked at behaviors similar to anxiety in mice concluded that vetiver oil may be helpful in reducing anxiety symptoms, although more research is needed to confirm this.

3. Chamomile 

Chamomile essential oil has a calming and relaxing scent, thus it reduces anxiety and worry.

A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine on the activity of antidepressants found in chamomile concluded that this essential oil “may contribute to a clinically significant antidepressant activity that is shown in contrast to the observed anxiolytic activities.”

Another study published in the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health pointed out that chamomile capsules reduce anxiety symptoms.

4. Incense

Incense is great for treating depression because it contributes to relaxation and mental grounding.
In aromatherapy, it helps to go deeper into relaxation and calm the mind.
Together with bergamot and lavender oil in a 1:1 ratio when massaging hands, incense has positive effects on pain and depression in patients with incurable cancer, according to studies at Keimyung University in Korea.

5. Lavender

It strengthens the nervous system and helps to cope with disturbed inner peace, sleep, rest, irritability, panic attacks, nervous stomach and general nervousness.

“The Handbook of Essential Oils: Science, Technology, and Applications, Second Edition” says that there have been many clinical trials involving inhalation of lavender oil which indicate that it brings less stress and anxiety.

Further research demonstrates the ability of lavender to reduce anxiety in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery and in people going to a dentist.

6. Ylang-ylang

This popular essential oil can cure anxiety due to its calming and uplifting effects. Ylang-ylang helps to encourage cheerfulness, courage, optimism and reduces fear. It can reduce heart anxiety and tremors and is a strong sedative that helps with insomnia.

In a 2006 study conducted by Geochang Provincial College in Korea, ylang-ylang oil was given once a day for four weeks. The therapy reduced the “psychological stress response and cortisol levels, as well as blood pressure in clients with essential hypertension”.

Be careful when using ylang-ylang as it can irritate the skin and avoid using it if your blood pressure is low.

7. Bergamot

Bergamot oil has a soothing effect and is a good remedy for depression, however, it can also help with insomnia because it leads to relaxation and reduces anxiety.

An interesting study from 2011 hypothesizes that applying a mixture of essential oils, which includes bergamot, helps people who are struggling with depression and anxiety. The mixture consists of lavender and bergamot essential oils.

Bergamot is generally harmless but it is photosensitive, which means that it can increase the risk of bites and burns.

8. Melissa

Melissa is an amazing natural remedy for fighting mental problems, depression, anxiety, fear, tension and other disorders caused by stress.

German scientists have shown that Melissa essential oil acts on the part of the brain that controls the autonomic nervous system, thus protecting it from negative external influences.


Aromatherapy against anxiety is a great choice if you want to fight this problem in a natural way.



Do not use if you are sensitive or allergic to any of the ingredients of these herbs. Use with caution and if any side effects occur, consult a doctor immediately.

It is known that immunity is the body’s ability to recognize foreign substances from ecosystems that can endanger it and resist them. When it weakens, we get sick so it is responsible for all diseases.

What if our immune system is out of balance? Why does this condition occur?

There are many reasons and most often a combination of several of them is exactly what throws the immune system out of balance: poor nutrition (vitamin and mineral deficiency), climate changes, pollution, lack of physical activity or lack thereof, frequent infections with viruses, bacteria, fungi, stress.

True, these causes are not under your control! And you wonder how you can help your body on your own? You can! Because the answer still lies in your immune system.

How to bring back the immune system to balance?

The answer is – in nature – in essential oils. Unlike most synthetic drugs, which usually only reduce symptoms, essential oils directly affect immunity. Instead of introducing more external pathogens into the body that can further disrupt the immune system, essential oils and carrier oils introduce friendly medicinal substances into the body that return the body to harmony with nature.

Almost all essential oils have antibacterial and antiviral effects and thus indirectly help the immune system (reducing the number of intruders that the immune system must fight).

Best immunity-boosting essential oils

Immunity-boosting oils

Ravensara Aromatica

One of the strongest antiviral oil. It is excellent for respiratory tract problems, effective in cases of bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinitis. This essential oil also has an analgesic effect, so it is also used in the treatment of inflammation of muscles and joints, rheumatoid arthritis. In addition to reducing pain, it cools slightly and gives a feeling of relief. It raises the general physical condition of the body, especially after prolonged lying down, facilitates coughing and soothes inflammation.

Eucalyptus Radiata 

Eucalyptus acts as a means against coughing up and to open clogged nostrils. In addition, it helps to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful microorganisms that can damage your health. In case of cold before going to bed, drip a few drops of eucalyptus oil into your humidifier or diffuser to feel its beneficial effects throughout the night. An inhalation is also a good option in some cases.

White pine (Pinus strobus)

This oil efficiently dilates the bronchi and increases oxygenation. There a large amount of vitamin C in its needless, thus it is very efficient in immunity-boosting. It is one of the most famous and helpful oils in the case of colds, gips, bronchitis and other respiratory infections. The essential oil of pine needles works against various causes of infection and encourages the expectoration of thick secretions from the airways.

Cajeput (Melaleuca leucadendron)

A powerful expectorant and has a strong effect on bacteria and viruses. This is the most common oil for children’s respiratory infections, which is why it’s called “baby tea tree”.

Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)

This amazing oil has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiinfective and immunostimulatory effects. Tea tree oil is used for respiratory infections, urogenital infections, fatigue, acne, skin infections, fungi, lice and nits.

Black Cumin (Nigella sativa)

This oil strengthens immunity, has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, it helps with respiratory problems, asthma, autoimmune diseases. It is also excellent for treating rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, bacterial and fungal infections, atopic dermatitis and other inflammatory skin diseases.

All of these immunity-boosting essential oils including Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zink and probiotics can also help us boost our immunity system.

Sensitive skin is not a disease, it just requires special care. Such kind of skin needs adequate and more thorough attention. If you make a mistake somewhere and don’t treat it properly, you will immediately notice it – your skin will warn you. It is important to learn what your skin really needs.

It can appear anywhere on the body and is most pronounced on the face.

Sensitive skin requires extra care that would strengthen its defensive power, alleviate inflammation and prevent the occurrence of itching and redness.

A special group of plants that has this effect and acts to suppress redness and inflammation of the skin are the azulene plants. This group includes plants that contain aromatic hydrocarbons, better known as azulenes. Azulene has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and deodorizing effects. The highest concentration of azulene can be found in plants such as chamomile and yarrow, so if you have sensitive skin, it is best to include preparations made from these plants in your daily care.

Most useful herbs and oils to use for sensitive skin

Oils for Sensitive Skin

German Chamomile

The most famous plant that is widely known for its ability to alleviate redness, inflammation and protection from external influences. It is used to treat eczema, inflammatory skin processes and burns. Chamomile is harmless and cannot be overdosed.

Chamomile contains several active ingredients and the most important ones from which its healing effect comes are azulene and bisabolol.


It comes from the essential oil of chamomile obtained by distillation of flowers where the intense blue-colored azulene stands out. This is one of the main ingredients of sensitive skin prone to redness masks. So, if you are having this problem, look for this ingredient in their composition.


It is also a chamomile essential oil component. It is very beneficial because it has no allergens and irritating properties on the skin. Bisabolol is an extremely high-quality ingredient that has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is a component in many children’s products, face care cream and you can often find it in natural cosmetics, so when buying products for sensitive skin, be sure to find it on the list of raw materials.


Several studies have shown the benefits of Lavender on the skin. It has pronounced antimicrobial properties and therefore helps in the treatment of various skin diseases, such as eczema, blisters, seals, redness.

Lavender is an extremely medicinal plant that improves circulation which is very important for supplying the skin cells with oxygen. It gives our face a more beautiful and healthier look. If used in the form of oil, lavender has the power to penetrate deep into the skin very quickly, which improves its efficiency. Therefore, you will notice the results very quickly.

The greatest power of lavender lies in an ingredient called linalool. In terms of composition, it is natural alcohol, which, together with other medicinal components of lavender helps for its fast absorption. Linalool is also excellent to use in the production of perfumes, precisely because of its relaxing scent. In addition to linalool, lavender also contains linalyl acetate, tannins, flavonoids, phytosterols and coumarins.

It is important to mention that lavender is an allergen but despite that, its use rarely causes allergic reactions on the skin. Moreover, lavender very quickly and effectively removes other allergic reactions. However, we advise that before using Lavender oil or any other preparation that contains this plant, still to apply on a small part of the skin in case you have an allergic reaction. If no occurs, feel free to enjoy all charms of this amazing plant.


The Latin name of this plant, Achillea millefolium, comes from Achilles, who healed the wound of Telephus with this plant. It is very rich in active ingredients such as achilles, an essential oil with azulene, essential fatty acids, phytosterols, phosphates, as well as salicylic, formic and acetic acid.
This herb has an antiseptic effect on the skin, suppresses inflammation and redness and shrinks enlarged pores. It is good to use for shampoos and baths but its main application is in preparation for suppressing irritations and redness. Thus, Yarrow is one of the most desirable raw materials if you’re looking to take care of your sensitive skin.

Autumn is the perfect time of the year to relax and unwind in warm rooms and enjoy observing the picturesque landscapes. These moments are reserved for family, dear friends and the precious moments spend with them.

Unfortunately, this is also a time of the year where we don’t have a lot of nice weather, the days are noticeably shorter, the sun’s rays are less and less. All of these could affect our mood. With the frequent appearance of rain in the fall days, lots of people get the feeling of depression and melancholy.

We can deal with autumn depression in a healthy way – using essential oils that have a positive effect on our mind and body. There are some great essential oils that will regenerate your body and boost your mood.

Top Essential Oils to Use in Autumn

Best Autumn Essential Oils

1. Thyme

It has been known for centuries as a natural remedy. Its strong properties help with mental fatigue, depression and insomnia. A few drops of thyme essential oil in the evening will relax your body and drive away all the accumulated stress.

2. Bergamot

The pleasant and fresh citrus scent acts as an antidepressant, awakens the mood and desire for life, makes it easier to show sincere emotions. In addition, bergamot oil helps with all types of infections, flu, colds, coughs and bronchitis.

3. Lavender

Lavender is often used in traditional folk medicine. The color and scent of lavender are reminiscent of warm, sunny days. Thanks to its beneficial relaxing scent, it has a great effect on the psyche, raising the mood, relieving insomnia, anxiety and stress.

4. Ylang-Ylang

The sweet scent of this exotic plant from the Komoran brings a feeling of peace, encourages creativity and relieves stress, depression and restlessness. Awaken the joy and energy of life, thus help you suppress depressive thoughts.

5. Orange

Traditionally known for its calming effect, the sweet and refreshing essential oil of orange awakens the joy of life and boosts mood. Subconsciously, it strengthens the sense of personal value and is great for removing depression and tension.

6. Geranium

An essential oil that deserves its place in every home pharmacy. Its pleasant scent will be a great support for you in any stressful and mentally tense situation. In addition, it has a strong antibacterial effect, helps with hormonal imbalance in women, throat infections, colds and flu.

7. Sandalwood

Decorate autumn evenings with the warm and velvety scent of distant India. Sandalwood essential oil helps to relieve stress, enhances the effects of meditation and relieves the feeling of tension. It is an excellent antiseptic that stimulates the immune system.

Good choice for cold autumn days can also be cinnamon, ginger, cardamom oil. No matter which of these oils you decide to use, make sure you keep the good mood and mental health.

The vetiver plant originates from India, and its oil has been used in folk medicine for more than a thousand years in South and Southeast Asia, as well as West Africa. It is interesting that the leaves and roots have the same benefits as the oil of this plant. This amazing herb often participates in the formulations of perfumes and eau de toilette as it has several common properties with other types of fragrant herbs used in the cosmetics industry.

Its oil is distilled from the plant root and contains at least one hundred components. The color of this oil is amber and its scent is a combination of woody, sweet and smoky.

Vetiver oil strengthens the body and soul. Due to its health benefits, it has a beneficial effect on improving the mental state. The healing property of the soul of this essential oil deserved its other name – “oil of calm”.

Top 10 Benefits of Vetiver oil

Vetiver Oil

1. Rich in antioxidants

The first benefit of vetiver essential oil is that it contains a significant amount of antioxidants. In 2005 the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition of the University of South Carolina accessed the content of antioxidants in vetiver oil. They discovered that the antioxidants from this oil have a stronger free radical scavenging activity compared to the antioxidants found in other essential oils.

2. Improves bodily functions

Vetiver oil improves bodily functions, such as the immune and nervous systems. A study conducted in India in 2015 found that vetiver oil reduces the amount of toxicity in the body caused by chemotherapeutic drugs.

3. Reduces anxiety and depression

This oil ranks absolutely first among all essential oils when it comes to emotional health benefits. It is very beneficial in aromatherapy, it relaxes and reduces emotional stress such as anxiety, panic attacks, symptoms of depression.

4. Treats scarring of the skin

As an oil that has the ability to regenerate the skin, it also stimulates the regeneration of numerous skin cells. This oil has the power to heal scars, rejuvenate the skin, remove dark spots and acne and prevent the signs of aging.

5. Treats ADHD

A study conducted in 2011 showed that this oil is effective in treating attention deficit disorder in children (ADHD). The study included twenty children aged 6 to 12 years. The result was excellent – vetiver essential oil increased its effect by 100 percent after children with a diagnosed attention deficit disorder inhaled it.

6. It has an anti-inflammatory effect

The soothing and refreshing nature of vetiver oil makes it ideal for treating various forms of inflammation, especially those found in the cardiovascular and nervous systems. In addition, this oil is a great choice for treating inflammation caused by extreme heat such as dehydration and heatstroke.

7. Prevents bacterial infections

Bacteria and microorganisms grow and develop very quickly in hot and humid climates. In this type of climate, sepsis is another danger, due to the increased presence of bacteria. Vetiver can prevent this from happening by stopping the growth of bacteria that cause sepsis.

8. It is good for insomnia

The oil is also ideal for the treatment of insomnia because it is a natural sedative. In addition, it can treat other forms of emotional outbursts such as anger, restlessness and nervousness.

9. A good aphrodisiac

Emotional stress and anxiety can affect libido. Vetiver oil not only improves libido but also increases testosterone and estrogen. For women, this oil is useful because it strengthens their reproductive system, balances hormones and regulates the menstrual cycle.

10. Rejects termites

The Agricultural Center of the State University of Louisiana analyzed the anti-termite potentials of eight essential oils and none of them proved to be as powerful in this sense as the vetiver essential oil.

Origin of bergamot essential oil

This amazing oil originates from Italy although it also grows in the Middle East.

The name bergamot originated from the name of a small town in Italy – Bergamo, where it was originally produced.

Bergamot oil is made from citrus – a special type similar to lemon or lime, or even better a type of wild lime. It is obtained from the bark by cold squeezing which makes it especially useful for the organism because it has preserved all its useful properties. It is interesting that it is an ingredient of Earl Gray black tea, so if you are able to buy it, keep in mind that you will also get this oil in it.

Apart from Italy, bergamot oil grows in Turkey, Argentina, Morocco, Brazil and in the Ivory Coast. People in China consider this oil as a real treasure and use it against diseases of the digestive and bloating organs, diseases caused by mental disorders and anxiety. In modern pharmacy, it’s been used to remove bacteria and viruses. It is also an ingredient for some perfumes.

Top 5 Bergamot Oil Benefits

Bergamot Oil Benefits

Bergamot oil has a wide range of effects on the entire body. However, some of them stand out and make this oil extremely useful for specific conditions and diseases.

Antidepressant effect

Many studies have proven that daily use of this oil makes it suitable in the treatment of depression. Probably the reason is that it helps with the acceleration of blood flow, so the body is fresher, has more energy and self-confidence. Bergamot oil therapy lifts the mood, brings relaxation and serenity, and raises resistance to stressful stimuli.

In addition to relieving the painful emotions inherent in depression and anxiety, bergamot also neutralizes anger, resentment and irritability.

Regulation of hormone secretion

Since it acts on the bloodstream, bergamot oil helps the secretion of glands, regulating hormone levels and secretion during the day. In that way, it affects a number of diseases caused by glandular disorders, from diabetes to high blood pressure.

Reduces stress and pain

With its calming effect, bergamot oil reduces daily stress, and it also has a beneficial effect on pain after injuries. It is excellent for headaches or stomach pains, especially if you use it in a massage.

Helps with stomach problems

There are many stomach problems and their causes are different. Bergamot oil acts on bacteria and viruses and reduces pain, while accelerating the secretion of gastric juices, so it can prevent and reduce various stomach issues. It also destroys worms and parasites.

Infections treatment

With its antibacterial effect, bergamot essential oil reduces infections in the body, such as urinary tract infections, long-term inflammation and intestinal diseases. It has a similar effect on calming the cough, reducing the level of bacteria and viruses that cause it.

This magnificent oil also reduces periodontitis, eliminates eating disorders, relieves pain and removes scars.

There’s practically no area that this oil cannot treat.

How to apply Bergamot oil and its side effects

Rub 2-3 drops on this part of the body you want to treat. It doesn’t really cause problems if you use it in food, however, if you notice that it bothers you, stop consuming it. Since it lowers blood pressure, keep this in mind if you otherwise have low blood pressure.

This oil causes hypersensitivity if you are exposed to the sun, so if you use it, strengthen your sun protection. It also affects blood sugar levels that could lead to hypoglycemia in some people, which in turn can lead to disturbances. Whenever you notice that it causes you any discomfort, stop using it and consult a doctor.

Melissa officinalis is one of the rare plants that are at the same time medicinal, fragrant, decorative, spicy, aromatic and industrial. It has been cultivated in southern Europe and northern Africa for more than two millennia. It grows in beehives, yards, near settlements, along fences and hedges, in forests. Bees simply adore it, which is why it got the name ”royal jelly”. It blooms from June to September and has a specter of flower colors, from tiny white, whitish-yellow, bluish and pale pink. It has a scent reminiscent of lemon which is why we also know it as lemon balm.

Arabs were the first to use this plant for medicinal purposes, making tea from it against tension and depression. This practice continued in the Middle Ages and vidars used it against pain, metabolic problems and insomnia, as well as for better appetite and digestion. In France, lemon balm is still the most useful plant for eliminating fatigue and headaches. For greater effectiveness, mix it with valerian, chamomile and hops.

Melissa Oil and Tea Against Depression

Melissa is a great natural remedy against mental problems, depression, anxiety, fear, tension and other disorders caused by stress. It is a particularly good natural remedy against fears of diseases – hypochondria. For the treatment of mental disorders, combine lemon balm with other medicinal plants that have a similar effect. You can use valerian, chamomile, lavender. It refreshes and improves the mood and due to its extremely pleasant smell, it is used in pharmacy, as well as in the perfume and cosmetics industry. Research by German scientists has shown that Melissa essential oil acts on the part of the brain that controls the autonomic nervous system, thus protecting it from negative external influences. In addition to extremely valuable oil, it also contains phenolic acids, flavonoids, bitter substances, tannin.

Melissa officinalis

Melissa tea helps to overcome stressful situations, depression, as well as headaches caused by nervousness or vomiting on a nerve basis. Stress also causes irregular menstruation and this herb can help with this problem too. In addition, it improves memory, evokes beautiful thoughts, regulates digestion. It strengthens and recovers the heart, has an antibacterial effect and helps heal wounds. It also cleanses the blood, slightly dilates peripheral blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.

Note: people who take sedatives and thyroid medications should not use lemon balm without first consulting a doctor.

French herbalist Maurice Mess best describes the value of lemon balm: “Melissa officinalis is the queen of all stimulating herbs. To a clumsy lover, a restless head of the family, women burdened with problems, desperate, everyone who is accompanied by a feeling of defeat in life, I advise this magical plant, which renews the organism, restores strength and joy of life.”

Here’s how you can make Melissa tea:

Pour a teaspoon of dried lemon balm over 200 ml of boiling water. Cover and left it to stand for five minutes before you drink it. If you decide to use it internally, you can put a couple of essential oil drops (1-2) into a cup of tea or another beverage. You can check other effective ways of using Melissa oil in this article and buy 5ml or 10ml bottles directly from us in our shop here:

Since anti-cellulite massage is one of the most effective fighters against cellulite, using certain essential oils for this purpose, your skin simultaneously enjoys the benefits of massage and the healing properties of essential oils.

Essential oils are concentrated and except in aromatherapy or for inhalation, they should not be used undiluted. A few drops of sensual oil are diluted in some carrier vegetable oil of your choice.

Top 5 anti-cellulite oils

1. Rosemary Oil

Rosemary is rich in antioxidants, primarily carnosine and rosemary acid, as well as important nutrients necessary for skin health, such as calcium, iron, and vitamin B6. The high content of antioxidants in a substance reduces the activity of free radicals in skin cells and thus protects its structure from damage, making it stronger and safer. We know that only firm skin resists cellulite and the signs of aging.

Rosemary essential oil speeds up circulation, penetrates deeper layers of the skin where it removes harmful substances while the beneficial ingredients from rosemary oil remain to work on the quality of the skin. Rosemary oil also removes bloating and swelling and is useful for watery cellulite, as well as for parts of the body that are not affected by cellulite.
Massage with rosemary oil relieves the skin of lymphatic blockage, which gives us a better chance of getting rid of cellulite.

anti-cellulite oils

2. Carrot Seed Oil

This oil is obtained from dried wild carrot seeds. The plant is native to Egypt. Its oil is quite underestimated despite its numerous beneficial properties. Carrot seed essential oil has an antiseptic, anti-bloating, protective cell functions.

Wild carrot seed oil slows down the appearance of the first signs of aging, keeps the skin hydrated and removes cellulite. It is also useful in removing stretch marks. It contains powerful antioxidants. Its beneficial properties help in detoxification. This oil accelerates collagen production and circulation.

Use wild carrot seed oil against cellulite for massage, diluted in some vegetable oil of your choice. Anti-cellulite massage goes in semicircular movements, always in the direction of the heart. The pressure during the massage should be so strong that the skin starts to bother you a little, however, not too strong to cause discomfort and pain.

3. Lemongrass oil

Lemongrass oil is probably the most versatile of the essential oils. It has both stimulating and soothing properties and it is a strong astringent. Thus this oil easily shrinks pores. It contains the active components of terpene and citronellal.
The oil helps flush out toxins, improves circulation and has a diuretic property. Lemongrass oil releases accumulated fluids and bloating from the skin. It can be useful when you want to remove cellulite in 7 days.

4. Grapefruit Oil

Grapefruit essential oil is one of the most effective anti-cellulite oils. It is also useful for the care of oily, impure skin with acne. Grapefruit essential oil lifts the mood, helps remove negative thoughts. It also reduces stress and is an antidepressant. Due to photosensitivity, avoid using grapefruit oil before sunbathing or solarium. It has an antifungal, healing effect, helps with wounds, burns, bruises, acne, eczema, inflamed and varicose veins, cracked capillaries.

5. Geranium Oil

Geranium essential oil has a wonderful rose-like scent that comes from geranium flowers. It is familiar in folk tradition for a long time, primarily for healing wounds. It is also great for improving skin texture and that is why it is one of the best anti-cellulite oils. This is mostly thanks to its astringent, antiseptic, hemostatic and diuretic properties. In addition, geranium oil corrects the hormonal imbalance. This way we protect our skin from the appearance of lumps and relaxation. Geranium oil relieves cellulite and hydrates the skin.

Check which are the Top 10 Essential oils for Women’s Health

If you bought a cosmetic gel or anti-cellulite massage oil, you saw that it contains several different essences and vegetable oils. An indispensable ingredient of each of them is ivy oil for cellulite. The main function of ivy is to help better absorption of other ingredients. It also removes fatty deposits from the skin tissue.

Do the same with your anti-cellulite essential oils. Combine a few drops of the above essential oils mixed with olive, coconut or another vegetable oil of your choice but don’t forget the ivy oil as well.

In the world of cosmetics, hydrolates have been gaining more and more popularity in recent years and their use is becoming more widespread. Although there is a lot of talk about them, rarely does anyone know what is actually hidden in those small bottles and what is the best way to use them.

First of all, when we talk about hydrolates, we mean by-products that are created during the production of essential oils. As you know, essential oils are obtained by distillation and the condensate that is released during this process is called hydrolate or hydrosol.

This magical liquid hides numerous aromatic and medicinal substances from a living plant and has a similar effect as the related essential oil. A very important difference between them is that the oils are mostly used diluted, while the hydrolates are applied directly to the skin.

As the hydrosols acquire the aroma of the plant, each of them has a specific odor.

How are hydrolates used?

Hydrolates are multifunctional products and can be used in countless different ways. A bottle of dichlorate should be a part of every home pharmacy or cosmetic table because it is a preparation that solves numerous health and aesthetic problems.

Face tonic

Of course, hydrosols are most often used for face tonics. You can spray it directly on the skin and wipe it with a cotton ball, or pass it over the face with an already wet swab. Its function is to refresh the skin, remove metabolic products, or other impurities. It can also be used after cleansing milk where it will eliminate excess preparations or possible makeup residues.

Enriching cosmetics

Hydrolates can also be added to most cosmetic products and thus enrich them and make them more effective. Whether it is a shampoo, bath, tonic, or face mask, they will work much better and more intensely if a tablespoon of hydrosol is added to them.

Hair care

If you want soft, shiny and well-groomed hair, hydrolates can help you with that as well. You can use them to rinse your hair after washing or simply spray the ends of your hair after drying. The positive aspects of using these floral waters are that they do not grease the hair.

Additional skin hydration

Apart from being a tonic, the hydrosol is also used as a spray to refresh and hydrate the face. It is applied by spraying directly on the skin of the face and then left to dry, followed by a face cream. If you are not using cream but vegetable oils, apply them to still-damp skin and rub the oil until it is completely absorbed.

Hydrolates Benefits

Which are the best hydrolates?

  1. Tea tree hydrolate

Just like the essential oil of this plant, tea tree floral water has antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties. It is intended for people with inflamed acne skin but also for those with various fungal changes. It has also proven to be excellent as a disinfectant for wounds and scratches, as well as for applying to the skin after shaving.

  1. Sage hydrolate

This hydrolate shrinks pores and is used in the treatment of combination and oily skin and regulating fat secretion. Due to that effect, it is also applied by people who have a problem with excessive oiling of the skin. It is also good at sweating prevention.

  1. Chamomile hydrolate

Chamomile oil has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect and is recommended for the care of sensitive skin types. It alleviates allergies, redness and irritations. That’s why it can be used by mothers on their babies who suffer from diaper rash. Chamomile hydrosol is also great for relieving redness after sunbathing.

  1. Rose hydrolate

Flower rose water is probably one of the most popular hydrolates. From ancient times the women around the world use it to treat dry, thin, sensitive and mature skin. It improves the functioning of blood vessels and at the same time cleans pores and mattifies the skin. Rose hydrosol will remove the signs of fatigue, eliminate dark circles around the eyes.

Dry skin is a common skin problem. This skin type lacks sebum and moisture and it is therefore very sensitive. It often looks very nice, it is smooth to the touch. People who have this skin type often complain of a feeling of tightness, especially after washing. This skin type gets wrinkles the fastest due to a lack of elasticity and moisture. Laundry soaps as well as aggressive cleansers are not a good solution on this matter. This skin type often has a problem with moisture retention. One of the causes of this problem can be damaged hydrolipid skin (most often due to the use of soap and aggressive facial cleansers and makeup removers). Vegetable oils can very well preserve and restore the hydrolipid layer of the skin. Essential oils can do so much for dry skin as well.

Top 5 Oils for Dry Skin

1. Evening Primrose Oil

The oil is obtained from the seeds of this beautiful flower. Omega-6 fatty acids (including gamma-linolenic acid, GLA), vitamin E, vitamin C are the ingredients of this beneficial plant. It is very beneficial for the care of dry skin because it replenishes essential fatty acids, suppresses inflammation and improves skin recovery. Studies have shown the possible application for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, acne. Also, when applied orally, this oil improves numerous skin parameters.

2. Almond Oil

Almond oil is widely used in cosmetics because it is very gentle and has a delicate, mild scent.
It consists of triglycerides, fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, myristic), vitamin EThis oil has become so widespread precisely because of its mild and effective nature. It does not irritate even sensitive skin and has a soothing, regenerating and protective effect (vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant).

Essential Oils for Dry Skin

3. Grape Seed Oil

Grape seed oil has great applications in the cosmetic industry. It contains fatty acids such as linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, as well as polyphenols. This oil works by tightening the skin and thus can be used for toning purposes. It is a great choice for treating acne and many other skin problems. Grape seed oil is an important ingredient in many skincare products, creams and lotions.

You can also check our 7 Best Anti-aging Skin Oils

4. Wheat Germ Oil

It is extracted from sprouted wheat seeds and contains high levels of vitamin E, fatty acids (linoleic, palmitic, oleic, linolenic). Wheat germ oil protects skin cells from damage, reduces the formation and action of wrinkles, deeply nourishes and regenerates the skin.
Wheat germ oil has a beneficial effect on inflammatory skin diseases, such as psoriasis and eczema. It is effective for care after burns and injuries, as well as for treating scars. This oil is worthy of royal skin treatments, even the Egyptian queen Cleopatra used it herself. Wheat germ oil is like an elixir of youth.

5. Sage Essential Oil

Sage oil regulates the production of sebum and is suitable for the care of all skin types, especially dry, atrophied skin, weakened connective tissue. This oil is great for the treatment of dermatitis, eczema, oily scalp, as well as sensitive skin that is prone to wrinkles.

There are many other essential oils for dry skin: Lavender, Neroli, Tea tree, Cedarwood, Ylang-ylang oil.

All of these amazing herbs and their oils in particular can help us keep our skin soft and hydrated.