best oils for good mood

The odor is the only one of the five senses that is directly linked to the limbic lobe (center of emotion control) in the brain. Thanks to this, smells can affect our mood and emotions. The scents of certain essential oils can awaken positive emotions, act soothing and even act as an aphrodisiac.

Here is an example of how scents are closely related to emotions and memory. You have probably experienced a “fragrant deja vu” where the scent evokes a strong memory accompanied by emotions. The trigger can be any scent that is associated with memory and emotions – your dad used to put on a certain after-shave lotion, mom’s cookies. Go back to the past for a moment. You may be surprised by the clarity of your memory. You can experience exactly the same emotions you felt then. This type of “deja vu” is more strongly associated with the sense of smell than with any other senses. And that tight connection between the scent and the brain is the main reason why aromatherapy has a very positive effect on the mind and body.

Best essential oils for uplifting mood

1. Melissa Oil

melissa oil for good mood

Due to its antidepressant properties, the melissa essential oil acts as a mood lifter. Researchers have shown that it effectively fights sadness and brings joy to one’s life.

2. Lavender Oil

The scent of this oil has a calming effect and helps reduce stress. Lavender helps to relieve nervousness and acts as an antidepressant, while also helping with headaches and migraines.

3. Jasmine Oil

This oil has a relaxing effect and helps to relieve nervousness and acts as an antidepressant. Jasmine essential oil evokes a sense of confidence, self-confidence and helps revitalize energy.

This oil is an ideal choice when you want to feel good in your skin, you need confidence and a sense of vitality.

4. Lemon Oil

The scent of this oil improves concentration, makes it refreshing and relaxing. The aroma of lemon essential oil helps to balance emotions, acts antidepressant, reduces the feeling of anger and gives an instant feeling of energy.

This oil is an ideal choice during winter days because it has anti-viral and antibacterial properties and helps treat flu and colds, and when used in a diffuser, acts as a natural space disinfectant.

5. Cinnamon Oil

This oil has a stimulating effect and helps to eliminate the feeling of fatigue and exhaustion. Cinnamon essential oil improves concentration and memory and is ideal (as well as rosemary and mint oil) for performing mental activities, such as learning.

6. Ylang-Ylang Oil

ylangylang oil for good mood

This sweet smell oil has a relaxing effect on the mind. The oil releases nervousness, reduces the feeling of anger and instantly improves mood. This oil also has aphrodisiac properties and is an ideal choice for creating a romantic atmosphere with a diffuser.

7. Rosemary Oil

This oil improves concentration and memory and helps relieve fatigue. The scent of this oil helps with the headache and gives you a sense of energy and vitality. This oil also helps to relieve muscle aches from fatigue and is therefore ideal for relaxing and “regaining energy” after a tiring workday.

8. Peppermint Oil

This oil instantly improves concentration, provides energy, stimulates clear reasoning and stimulates the mind. It is ideal for refreshing space and as an “aid” while learning or performing any mental activity, as well as for immediate awakening.

9. Grapefruit Oil

Grapefruit oil restores peace and harmony, refreshes and relaxes. It is rich in antioxidant substances that stimulate the immune system and prevent the action of free radicals in the environment. Orange oil has similar effects, it relaxes, makes us psychologically stronger, fosters a sense of security.

10. Rose Oil

Rose oil alleviates panic attacks, anxiety and sadness. Inhalation or other application of this oil can raise energy levels and contribute to mental and physical balance.

All of these oils can bring us many benefits and improve our mood. It is up to you to choose the ones that suit you best.