
Essential oils are a large part of the aromatherapy market. Natural cosmetics and treatments are becoming more and more appreciated and the global market recognizes the potential and gives more space and significance to this area of worldwide business. Last year we wrote about some of the most important essential oil fairs and events. There are lots of educational and quality events that will be organized this year as well.

Important essential oil events for 2020


Nuremberg, Germany from February 12- 15, 2020. The World’s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food & VIVANESS 2020

BIOFACH Vivaness 2020

The International Trade Fair for Natural and Organic Personal Care!

This is one of the most influential organic product fairs for years. Each year they surprise the visitors and exhibitors with organization and quality and we can’t wait for next year’s BIOFACH, because this is the perfect place to educate, promote and update about the latest organic personal care trends.

2. In-Cosmetics Global 2020

Essential Oil Events 2020

Worldwide personal care ingredients community wouldn’t be the same without this major event. The most successful suppliers and vendors on the market have a great opportunity to expand their business during this global event.

Unfortunately, this year’s in-cosmetics Global had to be postponed because of the current Covid 19 pandemic. Here are the most important event updates:

Reed Exhibitions announces that in-cosmetics Global 2020 has been postponed until 30th June. Updated on 5th March after many weeks of monitoring the evolving situation around COVID-19, we have decided to postpone in-cosmetics Global 2020 due to take place at Fira Barcelona Gran Via from 31 March – 2 April to the new dates of 30 June – 2 July 2020. This decision has been difficult because of the major importance of the event to the personal care industry.

We heard from many of you about your concerns and the travel restrictions that have been put in place in some countries and decided that postponement is the best course of action to still deliver a high-quality business Global will not undergo substantial changes and will take place in the same Hall with the same floorplan. The content program that has been communicated over the past months will still stand with minimal changes. We’re excited that we can deliver in-cosmetics Global 2020 and celebrate the 30th anniversary (albeit a bit later than planned!), and we look forward to welcoming you to the show. We really value the support of everyone involved in the event.” (in-cosmetics Global)

3. The IFA Clinical Aromatherapy Research Symposium and Trade Show

June 6, 2020, The Avenue, Richmond, TW9 2AJ, United Kingdom

This is another big aromatherapy event. This year’s conference theme will be ‘Clinical Aromatherapy Research Symposium’. Ancient history has provided anecdotal evidence of the therapeutic use of essential oils. Scientific research in recent years confirmed earlier theses and expanded the area of research. Clinical trials, clinical audits, case histories, and patient-reported outcome data also support aromatherapy benefits and effects. All of these researches and evidence created a base of loyal customers and aromatherapy supporters worldwide. Mental health, cancer care, and back pain are the areas this year’s convention will give the most space.

4. 4th International Conference on Natural Products and Medicinal Plants Research (Natural Products 2020)

September 25-26, 2020 in Montreal, Canada

The most eminent academic scientists and researchers are gathered together to discuss and increase the field of Natural Products and Medicinal Plants during this conference. Educators, practitioners and researches are given a premier multidisciplinary platform to discuss and present the most recent trends, innovations, trends, and involvement. This is why this conference is a must-go if you’re seriously in the field of Natural Products and Medicinal Plant.

5. FEAT India Study Tour, 12th to 21st June 2020.

India has a long and rich history and this year’s study tour will have the honor to explore and feel all the beauties of this magical country, it’s monuments, cuisine, culture…
Delegates will be visiting northern, western and central  India, which have diverse climatic zones facilitating the production of a wide range of F&F ingredients including several varieties of mint, agarwood (from which Oudh is produced) and Sandalwood. Essential oils area of India will also be visited, oleoresin and spice producing, processing and exporting companies dealing in a range of flavor and fragrance ingredients.

6. The Annual IFEAT Conference, 11th to 15th October 2020 in Berlin, Germany

Last, but not least, The Annual IFEAT Conference will bring together top experts in the natural care industry.

Berlin, as the capital of Germany and German culture, is also the city of media, science and of course politics. The city is the center of high-tech firms and lots of worldwide industry conventions, media corporations, research facilities. Biomedical engineering, IT, biotechnology, electronics and many other areas are all successfully promoted and developed in this modern city.

We all hope the Covid 19 pandemic will be over soon and that all of these essential oil events will take place as planned.

Essential oils market is one of the biggest in aromatherapy area. Lots of producers and exporters are participating in main events related to this field. These events are a great opportunity to promote products, companies and a great way to meet the competition, to create quality contacts and cooperate with other companies and manufacturers in the field. These fairs are also good to attend, in order to keep in touch with the latest news in the market and keep up with the trends. We did some research and found some of the biggest and most popular ones.

Important essential oil events for 2019

  1. IFEAT 2019 Bali Conference(International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades)

This major event will take place in Bali, Indonesia, and the conference will be held from 29th September – 3rd October 2019. The conference’s theme will be “Naturals of Asia”. As we all know, this continent is the origin of many herbs and plants, especially Southeastern and Eastern Asia. Indonesia is the ”paradise” for herbs because it is located just below the equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean.

The program will focus on essential oils and other F&F ingredients coming from Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Vietnam.

The Nusa Dua, Bali conference will include a forum where representatives from all over the globe will have the chance to exchange ideas and offerings, to inform more about latest aromatherapy trends and to interact and contribute this industry in general.

Aromatherapy Events

2. 5th Global Summit on Herbals and Traditional Medicine

The summit will be organized around the theme “Unwinding Nature’s Recipes for Health”. It will take place on August 14-15, 2019 Auckland, New Zealand. This will be a great opportunity for participants from all over the globe, herbalists, alternative and complementary medicine practitioners, researchers in the field of Phytomedicine, Pharmacognosy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, people who believe in natural remedies to explore their research, case studies and practitioners of natural medicine at Herbals Summit 2019.

3. 2019 AIA International Conference

The Alliance of International Aromatherapists organizes their 7th Biennial International Aromatherapy Conference and Wellness Expo. It will be held September 26-29, 2019 at the Doubletree by Hilton Minneapolis-Park Place in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This year’s conference theme will be Building Bridges: The Future of Aromatics in Integrative Healthcare” and it will include topics like Holistic Aromatherapy, Aromatherapy in clinical settings, Aromatherapeutic cancer care. Other important topics will also be the essential oil use in clinical settings, the benefits of essential oils in pain reduction, mental health and cancer care. This conference is mainly organized to connect aromatherapy experts from all around the world to unite forces and knowledge and to bring conventional medicine and natural therapies, with emphasis on professional Aromatherapy, into a more harmonious relationship.

We have already visited a couple of big essential oil related events this year. These two are the ones that we think deserve to be mentioned in this article as well:

BIOFACH-VIVANESS 2019. 13 – 16 February 2019 | Nuremberg, Germany

BIOFACH – World´s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food’s 

VIVANESS – International Trade Fair for Natural and Organic Personal Care

This major event is one of the biggest, most inspiring and interesting ones. This is a fantastic opportunity for all the exhibitors and visitors to get to know the organic and cosmetics market and producers. BIOFACH-VIVANESS in the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg is the place where people share their passionate interest in organic food and natural personal care, get to know each other and exchange views since 1990.

Aromatherapy Events

In-Cosmetics 2019. 02 – 04 April 2019 | Paris, France

In-Cosmetics, The leading global business event for personal care ingredients

This group has a mission to help the global personal care ingredient community to learn, interact and conduct business. Manufacturers from 4 continents and 120 countries meet here. The in-cosmetics Group connects 1,800+ suppliers of ingredients, fragrances, lab equipment, testing and regulatory solutions with 34,500+ cosmetic industry professionals. Their goals are to educate, to connect, to drive new project development…

We hope that you gеt interested in some of these amazing events аnd that you’d decide to attend some of them to become a part of the beautiful world of aromatherapy, organic products, and natural cosmetics. We will continue to inform you about the events related to the market so stay tuned! 🙂