
Autumn is the perfect time of the year to relax and unwind in warm rooms and enjoy observing the picturesque landscapes. These moments are reserved for family, dear friends and the precious moments spend with them.

Unfortunately, this is also a time of the year where we don’t have a lot of nice weather, the days are noticeably shorter, the sun’s rays are less and less. All of these could affect our mood. With the frequent appearance of rain in the fall days, lots of people get the feeling of depression and melancholy.

We can deal with autumn depression in a healthy way – using essential oils that have a positive effect on our mind and body. There are some great essential oils that will regenerate your body and boost your mood.

Top Essential Oils to Use in Autumn

Best Autumn Essential Oils

1. Thyme

It has been known for centuries as a natural remedy. Its strong properties help with mental fatigue, depression and insomnia. A few drops of thyme essential oil in the evening will relax your body and drive away all the accumulated stress.

2. Bergamot

The pleasant and fresh citrus scent acts as an antidepressant, awakens the mood and desire for life, makes it easier to show sincere emotions. In addition, bergamot oil helps with all types of infections, flu, colds, coughs and bronchitis.

3. Lavender

Lavender is often used in traditional folk medicine. The color and scent of lavender are reminiscent of warm, sunny days. Thanks to its beneficial relaxing scent, it has a great effect on the psyche, raising the mood, relieving insomnia, anxiety and stress.

4. Ylang-Ylang

The sweet scent of this exotic plant from the Komoran brings a feeling of peace, encourages creativity and relieves stress, depression and restlessness. Awaken the joy and energy of life, thus help you suppress depressive thoughts.

5. Orange

Traditionally known for its calming effect, the sweet and refreshing essential oil of orange awakens the joy of life and boosts mood. Subconsciously, it strengthens the sense of personal value and is great for removing depression and tension.

6. Geranium

An essential oil that deserves its place in every home pharmacy. Its pleasant scent will be a great support for you in any stressful and mentally tense situation. In addition, it has a strong antibacterial effect, helps with hormonal imbalance in women, throat infections, colds and flu.

7. Sandalwood

Decorate autumn evenings with the warm and velvety scent of distant India. Sandalwood essential oil helps to relieve stress, enhances the effects of meditation and relieves the feeling of tension. It is an excellent antiseptic that stimulates the immune system.

Good choice for cold autumn days can also be cinnamon, ginger, cardamom oil. No matter which of these oils you decide to use, make sure you keep the good mood and mental health.

The world is currently facing one of the most difficult periods in recent history. Covid-19 is the common enemy, the enemy that captured us all in one or another way. Literally, most of the countries declared a state of emergency. This affects most of our life aspects. Our health is in danger. However, we can help ourselves and take care of our health and eating healthy. Don’t forget about your exercise too!

It is advisable to get as much fluid intake and a light diet. Here are some good examples: homemade soup, broth, fish, chicken, turkey, lots of fruits and vegetables.

10 Recommended Healthy Foods to Boost your Immune System

1. Garlic

It has great medicinal value with its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity. This miracle-working vegetable contains calcium, potassium and sulfur compounds that affect the release of unwanted bacteria. It should be a must-have ingredient for all kinds of dishes and salads.

2. Avocado

Did you know that avocado is called ‘the most perfect grocery’? Nutritionists say that it contains all the ingredients that human needs to normally function. This magical fruit contributes to the prevention of Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and many other problems. Avocado contains monounsaturated fats, folate, lutein, oleic acid and potassium, a large amount of fiber and lots of vitamins. Considering all of this you can get the picture of how avocado affects the human body.

3. Honey

Healthy Food

Honey is known to be a natural antioxidant with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. If you caught a cold, use honey, linden if possible, dissolve in a cup of warm milk and drink it. It is advisable to add some lemon juice as well. Milk should not be hot because nutrients of honey are lost at high temperatures.

4. Ginger

Another multi-beneficial plant, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and is usually recommended in the form of teas. Cut a piece of ginger about 2 cm in length and cook for 2 minutes in 200 ml of water and drink it cool as tea, sweeten with honey.

5. Turmeric

Not only does it add flavor to the meal but turmeric has been proven to be excellent at combating infections and inflammation by preventing the harmful effects of free radicals. You can add it to your soup or tea. It is also great on potatoes. 🙂

6. Red Paprika

You already heard that vitamin C is essential for boosting the immune system. Did you know that red paprika contains twice as much vitamin C content as in citruses? Powerful vegetable, right?!

7. Salmon

Healthy Food

Salmon contains high protein content which is why it is an excellent ingredient for the production of essential ingredients, such as omega 3 fatty acids, that are necessary for T-cell activation. The higher the number of T-cells, the less likely you are to become ill.

8. Brussels sprout

Not only does the vegetable provide a ton of nutrients but it also prevents cell damage. Half a cup of this amazing plant is enough to provide half the recommended daily vitamin C value.

9. Fruit and vegetable juices

Naturally squeezed fruit and vegetable juices contain significant amounts of Vitamin C, beta-carotene and minerals that increase the body’s resistance to infection. Lemonade is a great choice (with warm water and honey to soothe a sore throat), then orange juice, grapefruit, apples, carrots, beets, spinach.

10. Teas

Hot honey-sweetened tea causes sweating which is a great part of the therapy in conditions of colds. Teas are rich in antioxidants that prevent and alleviate cold symptoms. Green tea, chamomile, hibiscus, these are all great choices. The cough suppressant teaspoons are white mallow and linden, and the ones that make it easy to cough are auricula, thyme, plantain.

Essential oils

They might be very helpful in fighting viruses with food. Some of the oils that you can use in the kitchen are lemon, orange, nutmeg, ginger, tangerine, sage, lemongrass, grapefruit, peppermint, cinnamon, oregano, lime, rosemary, cloves, basil, rose, cumin, cardamom, estragon.

Adding essential oils to your favorite recipes can have many important health benefits. They can also add a special flavor to your dishes. However, you should be careful and follow the instructions for every specific oil!

All of these groceries are very healthy and we should add it to our menu as often as possible.

Stay home during these difficult pandemic times! Work on yourself by learning something new, play your favorite instrument, read books, play with your kids and take care of your family. And don’t forget to eat healthily and to do some exercise.

Modern scientific research confirms that cinnamon, “a spice more valuable than gold”, has a positive effect on many diseases.

Cinnamon essential oil is yellow in color, with a characteristic scent, according to the fragrance note, it belongs to the “spice” group, and according to the evaporation rate, it is in the lower group of essential oils (the essential oils of the lower evaporation rate relax, intoxicate, act as aphrodisiac). It is used for inhalation in case of colds, flu and sore throat because it is a strong antiseptic. Cinnamon oil has a specific pleasant, sweet smell. It blends well with citrus essential oils (especially lemon and orange oils), geranium, lavender and rosemary. It is used by steam generating with aromatherapy lamps, inhaled, in saunas, added to bathwater (mix the oil with a little milk before bathing).

Cinnamon Oil Benefits

Cinnamon oil has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. It contains high levels of antioxidants thus it is a very good source of magnesium, fiber, iron and calcium. The oil can be used to help with many diseases, such as arthritis, high cholesterol, blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, diarrhea, to boost energy and improve cognitive function, toothache, bad breath, headache.

This essential oil can also be used for linings or massage oils. In the case of direct application of cinnamon oil to the skin, due to its strong concentration, it can cause irritation!

Cinnamon essential oil is highly valued in aromatherapy. It is used in the fight against exhaustion, depression and weakness as well as flu and cold prevention. It has a strong antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal activity. A few drops of the oil added to the bath or massage oil relieves the symptoms of infections, flu and nausea. It is used to disinfect surfaces. It removes odors from rooms and removes insects such as ants, spiders, flies and mosquitoes. Added to the foot bath helps with foot fungus. It improves mood and relieves symptoms of depression.

Cinnamon Oil


The essential oil of cinnamon is applied in many ways: by application to the skin, by direct inhalation, by spray and in baths. An easy way to inhale oil leads to almost instant results. Oil evaporation will open your sinuses, unclog your nostrils and encourage deep breathing. It also works against cellulite: mix with base oil or butter and apply to problem areas, rub into the skin, then wrap the treated surface in foil or a warm towel.

For inhalation

It is used for inhalation in case of colds, flu, sore throat because it is a strong antiseptic. You can inhale with oil: from a water container, from a pillow or cotton wool, or directly from an oil bottle.

As a disinfectant

It can also be used as a natural disinfectant because it has an antibacterial effect. Dissolved in water it can be used to disinfect surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. It is also used in this way to eliminate odors. Cinnamon dissolved in water will also distract unpleasant insects such as ants, spiders, flies and mosquitoes. It can clean the toilet, fridge, door handles, microwave, etc.

It is also used for mouthwash. Pour one or two drops into a glass of water, gargle several times and spit out. Do not swallow.

To repel insects

The smell of cinnamon repels ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies. Spray a few drops of oil around the house and this will repel these insects.

In aroma lamps

Used in acute bronchitis and colds, sneezing or as prevention of depression and weakness.

In baths or massage oils

Cinnamon oil can be used by adding it to the bath or dissolved in a base oil, to relieve symptoms of bronchitis, diarrhea, infection, flu, rheumatism or arthritis. Because it is a strong antiseptic, it can be used in infections in this way. It also reduces cramps, nausea and vomiting. In such applications, care should be taken not to overdo the volume, as too much concentration can lead to irritation. Footbath: 1-2% of cinnamon essential oil solution in a foot bath is an excellent remedy for fungus removal on feet.

No matter how you decide to use this amazing gold oil, you will benefit your mind and body.