
Sore throat, wheezing, difficulty while swallowing, these are all signs of pharyngitis that occurs in colds or flu and are most often caused by a viral infection. A slight fever may occur where the lymph nodes may be slightly enlarged. Throat inflammation can also be caused by bacteria (streptococcus) but the symptoms are more pronounced.

The medicinal properties of aromatic plants can be of great help in relieving the symptoms of sore throat. Instead of pharmaceutical drugs that contain synthetic chemical compounds and just a trace of essential oils, choose 100% natural remedy for the benefit of the whole organism.

Best essential oils to help you with sore throat

1. Sage Oil

Essential Salvia Oil

Sage (Salvia officinalis) is the first traditional remedy recommended for the treatment of infectious diseases of the throat. In most cases, a cure for a sore throat that does not originate from streptococcal infection is sufficient. Sage essential oil containing thujone, an antibacterial, fungicidal, antiviral agent. It acts as a natural antiseptic by acting on pathogenic microorganisms in pharyngitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis. Interestingly, it also acts on viruses.
In excessive amounts, it could cause epileptic cramps, tachycardia, a feeling of heat and dizziness. Therefore, it is not good to drink it because it could also cause the thistle to get into the body but rather rinse (sip) the throat after which you spit it out.

2. Echinacea Oil

 essential oil for sore throat

The strongest immunostimulant among the plants effectively fights germs by preventing viruses and bacteria from penetrating healthy cells. It is used for sore throat and tonsils because it relieves pain and soothes inflammation. Studies have shown that taking echinacea even at first symptoms of a cold or flu reduces the severity and duration of the disease.

It can be taken in the form of tea but fresh herb preparations (SIPF and EPS extracts) contain three times more alkylamide (immunomodulatory action) and thus have higher healing potential. For colds, echinacea is taken in higher doses during the first week. If severe fever occurs, caution should be exercised as echinacea may exacerbate symptoms.

3. Ginger Oil

Ginger Essential Oil

It has been used by Indian, Chinese and Arabic folk medicine for hundreds of years as a cure. Ginger relieves sore throat, has antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Fresh ginger tea: Pour 1 teaspoon of peeled and grated root with 2 dl of boiling water. Leave covered for 10 minutes then strain, add honey and lemon. Drink up to two cups a day.

Ginger Powder Tea: Pour 1/2 teaspoon of powder over 2 dl of hot water, cover and let stand for 5 minutes. Strain, add honey and lemon. Drink up to two cups a day.

* It is not recommended to use more than 5 g of ginger daily, in pregnancy up to 1 g daily. Caution is required when treating medications, especially with anticoagulants.

4. Thyme Oil

Thyme Essential Oil

This herb has strong anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties thanks to a range of medicinal substances that are hidden in leaves and flowers. A strong antiseptic effect is evidenced by the fact that after 40 seconds it stops the development of many germs and even destroys some. The thyme has a powerful effect, but at the same time, it is so mild that it is especially recommended for children with frequent respiratory infections.

TEA: Pour 2 teaspoons of dried herbs with 250 ml of boiling water. Cover and allow to stand for 5-10 minutes. Strain and sweeten with honey if desired.

It is difficult for children, especially younger ones, to get a cup of tea. It’s much easier with a syrup. 🙂

SYRUP: 4 tablespoons of thyme topped with 200 ml of boiling water. Cover and leave for about 10 minutes. The tea is quite thick so it should be filtered through a strainer and through a filter bag. Allow to cool to about 40 ° C and add 250 g of honey. Stir until the honey has dissolved and added the juice of half a lemon. Pour the syrup into a clean glass bottle and store in the refrigerator after opening. Shelf life is 3 months.

Adults take 1 large spoonful of syrup 3 times a day and children take 1 small spoonful 3 times a day.

5. Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil for Sore Throat

The benefit of oregano oil is that it is useful for sore throat irrespective of the origin of the microbes, which makes it invaluable especially for families with children and/or adolescents because they develop a wide range of respiratory infections. Children are particularly vulnerable to the toxic effects of antibiotics and may develop a sore throat as a result of persistent antibiotic therapy.

All these oils are multi-beneficial and you won’t be wrong if you use them on various occasions. However, as with all other essential oils, you have to be careful and inform yourself about possible side effects.

A headache can get you tough when you least expect it and turn the easiest tasks into a painful endeavor. Severe piercing on one or both sides, sensitivity to light, nausea and weakness are some of the consequences of a strong headache that would make us just lie in bed. Migraines and headaches are beginning to torment more and more people, completely blocking normal everyday life.
Sara Crystal, a neurologist and migraine specialist, claims that most headaches are the result of stress, changes in biorhythm, hormonal imbalance and excess caffeine. In addition, a diet rich in chocolate, cheese, nitrates and additives is also a trigger for pain.
“The causes of migraines are often genetic. Every person has their own trigger. That’s why there is no universal solution for migraines.” she stated.

Common causes of headaches:

lack of sleep
alcohol abuse
some drugs
head injuries
dental diseases
neurological diseases

Essential oils can help you relieve your headache and reduce the need for analgesics.
Some of these oils will help keep you focused and concentrated if you plan to remain awake, while others – with the removal of a headache – will make you sleepy.

There are lots of oils that are good for fighting a headache and here are some of the most effective ones.

Top 5 Essential Oils for Headaches

1. Peppermint Oil

peppermint oil

If you suffer from headaches, valuable drops of peppermint oil will alleviate your problems. Rub a few drops of oil on your temples and leave for between 15 and 30 minutes. The anti-inflammatory effect of the mint will relieve your pain.

2. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus oil contains significant amounts of 1,8-cineole oxide. This compound is anti-inflammatory and promotes nasal mucosa cleansing. Thanks to this compound, eucalyptus oil has the strongest effect on headaches caused by sinusitis.

3. Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood calms and relaxes the central nervous system and is optimal for headaches caused by mental tension, agitation and exhaustion. It gives inner strength, which clears the mind and brings serenity. Use it sparingly, as sandalwood is on the list of endangered plants.

4. Roman Chamomile Oil

chamomile oil for headache

Chamomile is full of esters and provides anti-inflammatory and sedative effects. It is highly recommended for very sensitive people who have a “short temper”.
This oil will help you accept the constraints and leave the expectations too high. It has a calming effect, so it is most useful against headache in the evening and at night.

5. Grapefruit Oil

grapefruit oil for headache

Grapefruit oil enjoys a reputation for diuretics and cleansers. It has proven effective in headaches caused by frustration, irritation and guilt. It eliminates pain by clearing the mind and reducing the need to quickly satisfy emotions.

How to use these oils?

The most popular technique for applying headache oil is to massage the temples, forehead and possibly the back of the neck with some of the oils mentioned above or with the oil mixture.

In addition, you can smell a piece of cotton wool on which you have applied oil or mixture, spray selected oils from the sprayer around the room you are in or apply a few drops of oil to your pillow.

We also recommend a scented bath, but keep in mind that after bathing in warm water, you can be very sleepy, so warm baths should be avoided if you want to stay awake for a long time.

Aromatherapy can help you with less frequent, milder headaches but it will not cure the underlying causes of frequent, chronic or severe headaches. If you suffer from these disorders, consult your doctor.

Stress is part of everyday life. The problem is that there is no way to avoid it completely. With constant stress throughout our lives, our bodies eventually begin to respond: headaches, insomnia, muscle cramps. All of these symptoms can sometimes lead to heart problems.

So, even if we can’t completely remove the stress from our lives, we can reduce the inconvenience that stress causes. How? By learning to deal with it better. A man is lodged and trapped in his body from which he cannot escape and in which he feels good or bad. Whenever we think, feel, or experience, our body reacts.
With the daily dynamics of life, we all need a break to keep the balance we need. It is often difficult to catch that desired respite in the fast-paced rhythm of life, so essential oils are the perfect natural strength when you need to “stop-time” and take a deep breath of peace and balance.

Aromatherapy helps with stress by directly affecting the limbic and autonomic nervous systems. When we smell something, olfactory or olfactory receptors send a message to the limbic system, which is associated with instincts, moods and emotions. This is one of the reasons why aromatherapy is good for stress, emotional and psychological problems. Stress reduction through aromatherapy is especially effective because the pleasant scent in itself has a calming effect.

5 Essential oils to use for stress relief

There are lots of beneficial oils that might help us fight stress, such as Lavender, Roman camomille, Mandarine or Melissa essential oil.

In this video, there are 5 stress relief essential oils and 2 recipes for how to use them.

Frankincense essential oil (Boswellia carterii)
Cedarwood essential oil (Juniperus virginiana)
Bergamot essential oil (Citrus bergamia)
Neroli essential oil (Citrus aurantium var. amara)
Ylang Ylang essential oil (Cananga odorata)

No matter which one of these oils you decide to use, you will help your mental health and improve the overall quality of your life.

Argan oil is produced in Morocco, where it is called liquid gold and has been used for centuries. Argan tree, lat. Argania spinosa, bears large, round, green fruits. Inside them is a nut from which this oil is obtained. It looks a little darker and redder than olive oil. It is estimated that a liter of the oil requires 20 hours of labor and about 100 kg of fresh fruit.
This truly valuable oil has become one of the most sought-after natural beauty treatments. Argan oil would be of great importance in nutrition as well, but because of its high price, it is rarely found on the table for now.
The impact of this oil is great in the end so that it fully justifies and validates both its price and its nickname “liquid gold”.
Since it is most commonly used for cosmetic purposes, we can see what makes argan oil so good for beauty care. In addition to essential fatty acids, argan oil is rich in vitamins, especially vitamin E, which successfully fights free radicals. The high levels of essential fatty acids in argan oil give the skin hydration power while keeping the skin free to breathe.

Argan essential oil also promotes microcirculation and provides maximum nutrition for skin cells. As an almost perfect cosmetic, this Moroccan oil protects and nourishes the face, nails, hair and skin. It is not negligible that argan oil is very easy to use because it is a complete beauty care product and does not need any additives other than plain water.

Benefits of Argan Oil

How is Argan essential oil used?

Argan face oil is usually used twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, so that after washing it with a still-wet face, apply only a drop or two of pure oil, then smear it well. This Moroccan skin oil replenishes moisture, soothes inflamed and irritated skin, helps in the treatment of acne, eczema, regulates sebum secretion, evens complexion, reduces wrinkles, tightens, regenerates and rejuvenates the skin. Which means it is suitable and useful for all skin types.

For hair care, this oil is applied after washing on damp hair. Hair restores softness, gives it a natural glow, revitalizes damaged areas and promotes hair growth. Rub it in the root of the hair twice a week and allow it to act overnight. It will relieve the scalp from dandruff as it regulates sebum secretion.

For the care of brittle nails, argan oil is applied before bedtime on moist hands, rubbed into the skin and nails to act during the night.

For body care, after bathing, rub this oil which will leave the skin with moisture and make it gentle and soft. It prevents stretch marks and can also remove skin scars after prolonged use.

As far as the fatty feeling is concerned, there is no need to worry about it because argan oil is absorbed quickly and leaves no greasy marks even on the face.

As you can see, this beautiful oil is multi-beneficial and can help us in various situations.

The medicinal, spicy herb Hyssopus officinalis has long been used to cleanse the body and was known as the “cure for all diseases” and considered as sacred by Greeks and Jews. Its outpost binds to the Caucasus, northwestern Iran and southern Europe. In Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Finland, Romania, Hungary, Albania and of course Bulgaria, it is grown to produce essential oil.
For medicinal purposes, the leaves and flowers are used, as well as the whole plant. Hyssop grows both in wild and in gardens. It blooms through October in classy blossoms of blue but also pink and white. From this amazing plant we get a high-quality essential oil that blends perfectly with the essential oils of Lavender, Sage, Rosemary and Camphor/Lavandin. Due to the content of thymol, it is also used as an antiseptic, or as an ingredient in toothpaste. To obtain the highest quality of Hyssop essential oil, it is important to first harvest it in mid-August and for second time in the first half of October.

Hyssop Essential Oil Benefits

Hyssopus officinalis has long been known to cleanse the lungs of all impurities. Traditional medicine supporters in England find it extremely effective against coughs and chest problems accompanied by a feeling of pressure. However, they advise that it should not be taken immediately but when the inflammation subsides, that is, when the temperature drops and the mucous matures.

Hyssop Oil

Hyssop oil is most effective in inflammation and respiratory problems such as bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia and is an indispensable herb for gastric and intestinal disorders.
Some studies have shown that this herb has a strong antiviral effect, so laboratory tests for HIV are still being conducted as it has been shown to suppress the reproduction of this virus. It is important to emphasize that the tests have shown that there is no adverse effect on healthy cells but only on the diseased ones with the HIV virus.
The study of the medicinal properties of this plant is still ongoing because the first laboratory tests have shown a positive effect on a very wide range of disorders and diseases in our body.
In addition to this antiviral effect, it is also used again bacterial and fungal infections.
For skin changes, this oil successfully eliminates all types of such issues – psoriasis, eczema, inflammation, various types of seborrheic (itching) changes. Freshly brewed tea from this plant is perfect on this matter. At the same time, with this tea, we can treat healthy skin to preserve its elasticity.
Hyssop oil is also used in the form of a tincture, which has the same effect as tea.

It’s very often used in culinary as a spicy herb because it gives a special taste to dishes and facilitates the digestion of food. The oil is also used in the cosmetic industry as it is part of many creams for face and body care.

Thanks to its remarkable healing properties this herb has become a real challenge for scientists around the world. Japanese researchers have confirmed that its extract works against hyperglycemia and diabetes but also against various candida fungi and certain bacteria.

Do you want to try it out? Just let us know.

The Latin name “helichrysum” is derived from the Greek word “helisso,” meaning the sun and the word “chrysos,” meaning gold. In ancient times, the flowers of the immortelle were dried and worshiped by the Greek gods. The French call it “Immortelle” – immortal. The name derives from the trait of the immortelle flower to retain its brilliant color even when dried. Such a powerful product this Immortelle Oil, right?

Everything we need is available in one small flower – bright tan, fragrant environment and a good mood. Does a woman need anything else for happiness?

This product is a great solution for someone with oily skin. It is also the perfect complement to sensitive skincare products. It’s so mild that even kids can use it. It is often compared to chamomile because of its properties.

Interesting Fact: It is considered as one of the most expensive oils in the world. The price for one liter can reach 1800 euros! This is not surprising if we know that one liter of this gold oil requires the distillation of as much as 750 kg of immortelle flowers.

Helichrysum Essential Oil Benefits

Helichrysum Oil

It is obtained by steam distillation process of immortelle flowers. To obtain quality oil, the distillation process must be completed within 24 hours of picking the flowers. Did you know that one of the world’s most expensive oil is produced in the Balkans? One hectare of plantation yields 9 liters of immortelle oil. The oil contains a high percentage of collagen.

This amazing oil is most commonly used for treating wounds, infections, alleviating digestive problems, improving the nervous system, heart and respiratory health.

But the best thing that the oil does is to moisturize the skin and prevent it from drying out!

One of the most exciting recent discoveries about Helichrysum oil is its anti-age effect. It makes the skin look firmer, younger and more vibrant, making it the best anti-wrinkle oil.

The immortelle flower contains flavonoids, essential oil, phthalides, scopoletin, umbelliferone, esculetin, pyranone derivatives, arenarine, tannins and bitter substances. All these tongue-in-cheek names are very, very useful for skin tissue cells, experts say.

Helichrysum has also proven to be excellent in treating skin defects such as hyperpigmentation, stains, aging and sunspots and redness.

If you’ve injured yourself, immediately apply a drop of the oil to the injured spot, the bruise may not even appear. If the bruise is already present, grease it with this “gold oil” which will accelerate its withdrawal.

One of the main causes of premature aging is the harmful effects of UV radiation. After a day at the beach, you should be well hydrated. The oil removes the feeling of tightness after sunbathing, restores softness and repairs sun damage.

When it comes to skincare, what makes this unique oil particularly interesting is its regenerative potential. This applies to injuries, open wounds and burns, hematomas, swelling and scarring and of course rejuvenation.

Here’s how Immortelle oil works on the skin:

Prevents skin from drying out
This oil helps the skin retain moisture, making it softer, smoother, more resistant to drying and cracking.

It preserves cell health
The regeneration of skin tissue cells and the creation of new ones are a condition of overall skin health. As it daily suffers the negative effects of the environment, any remedy that helps it to recover and rejuvenate is of benefit.

Lubricate the pimple scars with Helichrysum oil
Very often, an ugly scar remains in the pimple site, especially if you have squeezed the pimple. The skin color has changed and it will take a long time until the complexion is even. A drop of oil should be applied to the problematic spot several times during the day.

Oil for psoriasis and eczema
This oil is especially recommended for atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, to remove scars and treat infectious processes on the skin.

Scent massage
For a particularly enjoyable massage, pour 2-3 drops of this essential oil into argan oil. This massage has a beneficial effect on healthy skin and is especially effective in reducing hematoma.

Against acne
Make an infusion by placing a handful of helichrysum stills in a pot of water and let it stand at room temperature, then place in the refrigerator. Use as a face lotion several times a week as a natural acne treatment.

As we can see, this gold-colored oil is multi-beneficial and can help us with lots of different health problems. However, like with every other oil, you should be careful with its usage and inform yourself about eventual side effects.

Do you want to try it out? Just let us know.

The beneficial effects of aromatherapy have been known since ancient times, and today, essential oils are a very important element of skincare and treatment worldwide. Essential oils are absorbed into the skin and penetrate the deep layers of the skin and therefore provide maximum and flawless care.

These are powerful ingredients that really require a good understanding of which work for what skin type. They are supremely nourishing but some facial oils can be drying and straight-up astringent, while others are pore-clogging or cause skin irritation, sometimes severe. Keep in mind that we all have different skin and the ability to tolerate different ingredients. These categories are just simple guidelines for you. A lot of these oils have multiple uses and fall under more than one category like the oils in the anti-aging one which can also be for dry skin, oily skin, etc.

This video is created to help you recognize ingredients in other oil blends out there or moisturizers:

Hopefully, this can give you a simple guideline to the oils we hear about and see the most in formulations. If you’re using severely drying treatments like Retin A, Peels, astringent or prescription acne treatments, the right oils can really return the proper moisture back into your skin. Many oils are also great at reducing inflammation and irritation. It is very important that when buying oils, you are getting what you pay for. Some oils like Argan are so labor-intensive, if you find a cheap bottle out there, it’s over-processed and diluted with cheap fillers.

Oily / Acne-prone Skin:

Tea Tree Oil
Grapeseed OIl
Apricot Seed Oil
Evening Primrose Oil

Sensitive Skin:

Sea Buckthorn Oil
Chia Seed Oil
Avocado Oil
Coconut Oil

Dry Skin:

Camellia / Tsubaki Oil
Safflower Oil
Olive Oil
Sunflower Oil
Sweet Almond Oil

Mature / Aging Skin:

Rosehip Oil
Jojoba Oil
Argan Oil
Marula Oil

Tea Tree Oil is one of the most valuable oils in aromatherapy. It is excellent for the removal of viruses, fungi, and bacteria, and is also frequently used for cosmetic purposes. Its application on the skin is multiple and effective. It is considered the most effective solution for acne treatment. For these purposes, it can be added to the face toner or applied directly to the problematic area. Added to the shampoo it removes dandruff and suppresses the scalp. Direct application or in the form of a bath is used in the treatment of various fungal infections.

Due to the deodorizing and antibacterial effect, this oil is an excellent choice for cleaning the house surfaces. Tea tree essential oil is beneficial for the elimination of insects, especially mosquitoes and flies. It stimulates the work of the immune system, has a soothing effect, facilitates coughing. This essential oil is especially useful for reduced immunity and fatigue. Rubbed into the chest and back, it can be useful in viral infections and can also be used as preventive care of the whole body after showering.

Tea Tree Essential Oil – Effects & Usage

Benefits of Tea Tree Oil


Plant: Melaleuca alternifolia L.
Smell: sharp and piercing
Method of obtaining oil: distillation
Part of the plant from which the oil is obtained: leaf
Main ingredients: terpinen 4-ol, gamma terpinen, alpha terpinen, p-Cymene


Tea tree oil works soothing, and also helps with nervousness and shock state. It facilitates the resolution of suppressed trauma and emotions. Provides a sense of power and makes it easy to make decisions. It alleviates coughing and helps with colds, flu and bronchitis. It has an amazing force in combating infections. It is a powerful anti-virus, bacterial and fungal agent.


This oil is known as one of the most powerful herbal antiseptics. For cosmetic purposes, its application on the skin is multiple. It is often a component of a solution for flushing the right and left cavity, as well as for hair care and against louse. This product is helpful in healing infections of the lining of the cavity, acne, herpes, dandruff, burns (and from the sun), rash, infected wounds, fungi, ulcers, insect bites, nipples.
It also helps in the fight against bronchitis and laryngitis as well as asthma and sore throat and very effective in rheumatism and muscle pain. Mix it with lavender, rosemary and citrus oils and you will not mix it wrong. Do not apply directly to the skin, it should be mixed with some vegetable oil (almond, coconut, olive, castor oil, wheat germ oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil) first. It is also very effective as a natural repellant. The oil refuses not only mosquitoes but also louse, ants and many other insects.


If you use tea tree essential oil properly, it does not cause any harmful consequences but is not recommended in pregnancy and for children up to 6 years of age. Do not use on sensitive skin because it can cause irritation. Do not apply directly to the skin and mucous membranes. Not for oral use. Keep protected from light and heat, out of the reach of children.

While millions of people easily fall asleep every night, roughly 70 million Americans suffer from some sort of sleep disorder. Of these, about 4% rely on prescription medication to fall and stay asleep each night before having to get up for work the next day.
If you’ve ever had trouble sleeping, then you know how a good night’s sleep can make all the difference in your mood, productivity, and energy levels.
What makes an essential oil good for sleep? Check out this video and find out 9 amazing essential oil that can help you with this issue:

The scent has a huge effect on us. Just think about when you go back home to your grandma’s house, and she’s making cookies in the kitchen, it really awakes this emotion for you.
And scent has very close ties with memory and mood because the same part of the brain that is responsible for smell is also responsible for memory and mood.
This is why scents can make us feel happier, soothe and even help us remember certain memories that we may not have thought about for a very long time.
Essential oils have been proven to help with all sorts of things, energy, mood, sleep, but there are certain essential oils that are much better for sleep than others.
There are two different types of essential oils that are good for sleep.
The first types help to clear your airways and with snoring, allergies…
The others are oils that are good in helping with anxiety and insomnia.
Using essential oils can train your brain to relax and fall asleep.
We’re gonna focus on that second type of oils, that are relieving anxiety and battling insomnia.
In this video, you will see 9 amazing essential oils that can help you get a night of better sleep.
Depending on your preferences and skin sensitivity, you can choose one or several oils to use for sleep.

As we all know, aromatherapy is a branch of alternative medicine that uses essential oils and herbal extracts to treat various health problems. We have already written about more popular types of oils and now we want to present less popular, but still equally beneficial essential oils.

1. Rosemary Oil (Rosmarinus Officinalis Oil)

Benefits of Rosemary Oil

Extremely aromatic plant, rosemary is used to make an essential oil that has a very wide application in aromatherapy. This oil stimulates hair follicles and scalp microcirculation and it is often used in shampoos for hair growth and for preventing hair fall. Added to your cream, it alleviates the problems with eczema and dermatitis. It also suppresses the excessive secretion of fat and prevents the formation of acne. If you chose to use it in the form of inhalation, rosemary might help you to lower stress hormone. This way, it alleviates headaches and pain in the muscles and joints. A few drops of rosemary essential oil added to an aroma lamp improves concentration and memory.

2. Vetiver Oil  (Vetiveria Zizanoides)

Benefits of Vetiver Oil

This is a perennial plant, grass of deadless leaves and very fragrant roots. It originates from southern India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. Vetiver essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of dry and chopped roots and the island of Java is one of the largest producers. The oil calms the nervous system and is called the “oil of peace” due to its soothing effect. It is used against stress and exhaustion, oily skin, acne, for the prevention of wrinkles, stria and scars. It also stimulates the venous circulation. The Vetiver oil is very often used in the production of perfumes, its intense scent is a combination of woody, sweet, grassy and earthy notes.

3. Ginger Oil (Zingiber Officinale)

Benefits of Ginger Oil

Smoothly sweet fragrance, essential oil of ginger is yellow colored and is obtained by distilling fresh rhizomes. Ginger is a proven solution to many health problems and its oil massage can be great to relieve pain in the joints and muscles. It has the ability to heat and stimulate, it is ideal for cold weather, against colds and nausea. This oil acts analgesic, sedative, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic (it stimulates urination, removes excess water from the body). It is used in respiratory organs infections, removes nausea (especially for pregnant women in the first months of pregnancy, as well as in the driving disorder), improves digestion, helps with menstrual problems. Strengthens immunity and improves circulation, cleanses the body, helps with blood vessel blocking (in combination with white onions), relieves rheumatic pains in the muscles and joints, successfully works against colds, flu, fever, sinus inflammation (inhalation). Improves mood, memory, and energy. Ginger oil is a mild aphrodisiac and it is also used in the treatment of alcoholism. It helps with loss of appetite and poor digestion.

4. Cypress Oil (Cupressus Sempervirens)

Benefits of Cypress Oil

This uncommon essential oil has lots of beneficial health properties and which are best shown in cases when we need to substitute medicaments with natural products. It originates from the Middle East, North Africa and the Mediterranean. Cypress trees are low and evergreen with smaller, rounded and woody stacks. The flowers are also small with scaly leaves. Cypress oil is obtained from young twigs and needles of the plant, which are then distilled to produce essential oil of fresh, pure and refreshing scent.

This rare essential oil has some amazing properties, most of them related to medical problems healing.

It has antiseptic and antibacterial activity.Inhalation with cypress oil reduces respiratory infections. Diluted in water and scattered throughout the body it acts as a natural deodorant, which prevents the formation of unpleasant odors and raises mood and energy. A few drops of cypress oil in the softener will give you a pleasant smell and will destroy the bacteria. A few drops on a handkerchief next to the pillow will reduce the nervousness, anxiety and symptoms of insomnia.

5. Red Mandarin Oil (Citrus reticulata)

Benefits of Uncommon Essential Oils

The essential oil of mandarin is also called “oil of children’s joy” because of its calming effect and characteristic and for its cheerful smell. It contains small amounts of N-methyl anthranilate showing strong soothing properties, thus it reduces restlessness, especially in hyperactive children. It is very helpful in nervousness, stress, depression, and insomnia, when it can be applied dermally (in oily blends and pure drops on the wrist or solar plexus).

This oil is very mild so it can be applied to infants and babies in a diffuser (in a sleeping room for better sleep) or in oil-based mixtures for body care (of course, at the appropriate concentration). It is also a mild spasmolytic and a digestive tonic, and it is also used in the symptomatic treatment of rhinitis, asthma or allergies.

Red mandarine oil is a great addition to blend sterilizers during pregnancy. It is less known, but it also benefits oily skin because it regulates sebum secretion and revitalizes the skin with enlarged and clogged pores.

As you can see, all of these amazing uncommon essential oils can do so much for our health. We hope you will decide to use some of them in order to help yourself by using natural products. But, be careful and inform yourself about the eventual side effects of each one of these amazing products.