
Adding essential oils to your favorite recipes can have a number of important health benefits. They can also add a special flavor to your dishes. Many of you know the benefits of cooking with coconut oil or using olive oil in recipes. However, did you know that there are also a number of essential oils that are great for cooking? This is good news because essential oils have a wide range of therapeutic effects.

One drop like a handful of spices

You should add the oil at the very end of the preparation and the dish must not be very hot because the aromatic and healing properties of the essential oil could be lost due to the action of heat. When using essential oils in cooking, do not put them directly into the water as they do not dissolve so they will remain concentrated in one place in the dish. Instead, it is good to mix them with some emulsifiers like vegetable oil, honey, milk, egg yolk, butter, rum or cream. You can also prepare teas, juices and cocktails (such as Mojito) this way.

Essential oils have a higher concentration of natural active substances than fresh herbs and one drop can replace a handful of finely chopped spices. Therefore, everyone who suspects that they have or already have an allergy should watch their intake of essential oils. For example, if you are allergic to parsley, by consuming parsley essential oil, intolerance to this spice will intensify even more.

Also, all essential oils, especially in fresh food, can be mild preservatives but also digestive regulators because they stimulate the secretion of digestive juices.

Some oils should not be added to food

If you overdo with adding essential oils, the food or drink may become bitter or have an overly intense smell and taste. Some essential oils, such as peppermint and eucalyptus, due to menthol and alpha-pinene substances they contain, provide an increased feeling of cooling and are ideal for cold dishes and salads. Other essential oils such as ginger and nutmeg provide a feeling of warmth and are ideal for warm food combinations.

Keep in mind that there are some essential oils, such as cinnamon (leaf and bark), which due to their high concentration of cinnamaldehyde can irritate the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and stomach, so their oral use is not recommended. In cooking, it is enough to use cinnamon powder because it will give each cake a familiar holiday flair, without any harmful consequences.

Oils in Cooking

Best Essential Oils to add to your dish

Soups: coriander, nutmeg, rosemary

Salads: lemon, orange, thyme, ginger, coriander, rosemary

Stews: basil, coriander, tarragon, laurel, black pepper

Meat: thyme, tarragon

Fish: tarragon, ginger, thyme, nutmeg, laurel, lemon

Fresh Cheese: basil, coriander

Pasta: basil, coriander

Sauces: orange, thyme, rosemary, lemon, mandarin

Cakes: mandarin, peppermint, orange, ylang-ylang, ginger

Cold Drinks: lavender, lemon, peppermint, coriander

Hot Drinks: nutmeg, orange, ginger


It is important to note that consuming essential oils is still a controversial topic. Due to the fact that they are highly concentrated and it is considered that consuming some of them can be unsafe. Do not consume any of the oils above certain amounts. Some are definitely not safe to consume and should not be used for cooking. Before adding any essential oils to your food, it is a good idea to consult a naturopath or other healthcare professional.

Most people perceive aromatherapy as something that is exclusively related to women. However, throughout history, men have also been in favor of this method of improving health and a healthy lifestyle. Ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks used essential oils because of their healing properties and due to their pleasant smell as well. This practice has continued up to this day and aromatherapy increases its popularity among men’s world.

Legend has it that the Roman emperor Nero often used rose essential oil to relieve headaches and improve mood. It is also interesting to note that the term “aromatherapy” was coined by the French chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé.

Aromatherapy (again) is becoming increasingly popular among gentlemen – either as a way of maintaining health, care or acting on the psyche. Essential oils are more than a nice scent and they can bring significant improvements to life – from health, through mood, to more efficient care.

By combining more essential oils and hydrolates, men can improve the digestive system, help maintain prostate health, use massage to relieve joint and muscle pain, stimulate circulation but also relieve headaches and use in daily skincare.

Most useful Essential Oils for Men’s Care

oils for men

Atlas cedarwood essential oil is a common ingredient in men’s cosmetics due to its fragrance and action. This essential oil alleviates inflammatory processes and balances the production of sebum and is therefore often used to care for problematic skin prone to dermatitis and redness. This oil is also known for its beneficial effect on hair and scalp – it strengthens the hair root and stimulates its growth, purifies the scalp and is used to control dandruff.

Peppermint essential oil is an inevitable step in the natural care of the teeth and oral cavity. If you drip one drop of this essential oil on a toothbrush before adding the paste, you will ensure fresh breath but also thoroughly remove bacteria from the oral cavity. Peppermint is also used to relieve headaches and tension. It is great for refreshment after a long day at work.

Tea tree is a well known universal medicinal essential oil. Men often choose it for the care of acne-prone facial skin, after shaving and for foot care. This essential oil suppresses the appearance of fungi and the so-called ”athletic foot” that often occurs in athletes.

Top Essential oils to boost libido

Sage oil contains natural phytoestrogens, which makes the oil effectively increase libido and sexual desire in both sexes. It has proven to be an effective tool that solves the problems of frigidity and psychological problems that lead to loss of libido and even lead to impotence. This oil improves the mood and restores the feeling of satisfaction. It is useful against stress and insomnia, which can be one of the leading factors for reducing sexual desire.

Neroli essential oil is a natural antidepressant that relieves depression by stimulating the central nervous system through olfactory receptors. Since it has a strong antidepressant effect, neroli oil is a strong natural aphrodisiac. It can be used in baths, diffusers and massages. It has been proven to remove mental disorders in frigidity, impotence and menopause as it calms the sympathetic nervous system. That is why neroli oil stimulates sexual desire in both women and men. It promotes a feeling of tenderness, happiness and romance.

oils for men

Ylang-ylang oil is one of the greatest aphrodisiacs because it strengthens the sex drive in both sexes. This oil is often called the “sigh of pleasure” because it reawakens desire in people. It can be used against nervousness, insomnia and to lower high blood pressure because it has a mild sedative effect. That is why it is one of the most commonly used oils in aromatherapy.

To this list, we can add the essential oil of nutmeg, which has proven to be an excellent natural aphrodisiac. It increases sexual activity, removes mental fatigue and stress.

The odor is the only one of the five senses that is directly linked to the limbic lobe (center of emotion control) in the brain. Thanks to this, smells can affect our mood and emotions. The scents of certain essential oils can awaken positive emotions, act soothing and even act as an aphrodisiac.

Here is an example of how scents are closely related to emotions and memory. You have probably experienced a “fragrant deja vu” where the scent evokes a strong memory accompanied by emotions. The trigger can be any scent that is associated with memory and emotions – your dad used to put on a certain after-shave lotion, mom’s cookies. Go back to the past for a moment. You may be surprised by the clarity of your memory. You can experience exactly the same emotions you felt then. This type of “deja vu” is more strongly associated with the sense of smell than with any other senses. And that tight connection between the scent and the brain is the main reason why aromatherapy has a very positive effect on the mind and body.

Best essential oils for uplifting mood

1. Melissa Oil

melissa oil for good mood

Due to its antidepressant properties, the melissa essential oil acts as a mood lifter. Researchers have shown that it effectively fights sadness and brings joy to one’s life.

2. Lavender Oil

The scent of this oil has a calming effect and helps reduce stress. Lavender helps to relieve nervousness and acts as an antidepressant, while also helping with headaches and migraines.

3. Jasmine Oil

This oil has a relaxing effect and helps to relieve nervousness and acts as an antidepressant. Jasmine essential oil evokes a sense of confidence, self-confidence and helps revitalize energy.

This oil is an ideal choice when you want to feel good in your skin, you need confidence and a sense of vitality.

4. Lemon Oil

The scent of this oil improves concentration, makes it refreshing and relaxing. The aroma of lemon essential oil helps to balance emotions, acts antidepressant, reduces the feeling of anger and gives an instant feeling of energy.

This oil is an ideal choice during winter days because it has anti-viral and antibacterial properties and helps treat flu and colds, and when used in a diffuser, acts as a natural space disinfectant.

5. Cinnamon Oil

This oil has a stimulating effect and helps to eliminate the feeling of fatigue and exhaustion. Cinnamon essential oil improves concentration and memory and is ideal (as well as rosemary and mint oil) for performing mental activities, such as learning.

6. Ylang-Ylang Oil

ylangylang oil for good mood

This sweet smell oil has a relaxing effect on the mind. The oil releases nervousness, reduces the feeling of anger and instantly improves mood. This oil also has aphrodisiac properties and is an ideal choice for creating a romantic atmosphere with a diffuser.

7. Rosemary Oil

This oil improves concentration and memory and helps relieve fatigue. The scent of this oil helps with the headache and gives you a sense of energy and vitality. This oil also helps to relieve muscle aches from fatigue and is therefore ideal for relaxing and “regaining energy” after a tiring workday.

8. Peppermint Oil

This oil instantly improves concentration, provides energy, stimulates clear reasoning and stimulates the mind. It is ideal for refreshing space and as an “aid” while learning or performing any mental activity, as well as for immediate awakening.

9. Grapefruit Oil

Grapefruit oil restores peace and harmony, refreshes and relaxes. It is rich in antioxidant substances that stimulate the immune system and prevent the action of free radicals in the environment. Orange oil has similar effects, it relaxes, makes us psychologically stronger, fosters a sense of security.

10. Rose Oil

Rose oil alleviates panic attacks, anxiety and sadness. Inhalation or other application of this oil can raise energy levels and contribute to mental and physical balance.

All of these oils can bring us many benefits and improve our mood. It is up to you to choose the ones that suit you best.

The world is currently facing one of the most difficult periods in recent history. Covid-19 is the common enemy, the enemy that captured us all in one or another way. Literally, most of the countries declared a state of emergency. This affects most of our life aspects. Our health is in danger. However, we can help ourselves and take care of our health and eating healthy. Don’t forget about your exercise too!

It is advisable to get as much fluid intake and a light diet. Here are some good examples: homemade soup, broth, fish, chicken, turkey, lots of fruits and vegetables.

10 Recommended Healthy Foods to Boost your Immune System

1. Garlic

It has great medicinal value with its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity. This miracle-working vegetable contains calcium, potassium and sulfur compounds that affect the release of unwanted bacteria. It should be a must-have ingredient for all kinds of dishes and salads.

2. Avocado

Did you know that avocado is called ‘the most perfect grocery’? Nutritionists say that it contains all the ingredients that human needs to normally function. This magical fruit contributes to the prevention of Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and many other problems. Avocado contains monounsaturated fats, folate, lutein, oleic acid and potassium, a large amount of fiber and lots of vitamins. Considering all of this you can get the picture of how avocado affects the human body.

3. Honey

Healthy Food

Honey is known to be a natural antioxidant with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. If you caught a cold, use honey, linden if possible, dissolve in a cup of warm milk and drink it. It is advisable to add some lemon juice as well. Milk should not be hot because nutrients of honey are lost at high temperatures.

4. Ginger

Another multi-beneficial plant, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and is usually recommended in the form of teas. Cut a piece of ginger about 2 cm in length and cook for 2 minutes in 200 ml of water and drink it cool as tea, sweeten with honey.

5. Turmeric

Not only does it add flavor to the meal but turmeric has been proven to be excellent at combating infections and inflammation by preventing the harmful effects of free radicals. You can add it to your soup or tea. It is also great on potatoes. 🙂

6. Red Paprika

You already heard that vitamin C is essential for boosting the immune system. Did you know that red paprika contains twice as much vitamin C content as in citruses? Powerful vegetable, right?!

7. Salmon

Healthy Food

Salmon contains high protein content which is why it is an excellent ingredient for the production of essential ingredients, such as omega 3 fatty acids, that are necessary for T-cell activation. The higher the number of T-cells, the less likely you are to become ill.

8. Brussels sprout

Not only does the vegetable provide a ton of nutrients but it also prevents cell damage. Half a cup of this amazing plant is enough to provide half the recommended daily vitamin C value.

9. Fruit and vegetable juices

Naturally squeezed fruit and vegetable juices contain significant amounts of Vitamin C, beta-carotene and minerals that increase the body’s resistance to infection. Lemonade is a great choice (with warm water and honey to soothe a sore throat), then orange juice, grapefruit, apples, carrots, beets, spinach.

10. Teas

Hot honey-sweetened tea causes sweating which is a great part of the therapy in conditions of colds. Teas are rich in antioxidants that prevent and alleviate cold symptoms. Green tea, chamomile, hibiscus, these are all great choices. The cough suppressant teaspoons are white mallow and linden, and the ones that make it easy to cough are auricula, thyme, plantain.

Essential oils

They might be very helpful in fighting viruses with food. Some of the oils that you can use in the kitchen are lemon, orange, nutmeg, ginger, tangerine, sage, lemongrass, grapefruit, peppermint, cinnamon, oregano, lime, rosemary, cloves, basil, rose, cumin, cardamom, estragon.

Adding essential oils to your favorite recipes can have many important health benefits. They can also add a special flavor to your dishes. However, you should be careful and follow the instructions for every specific oil!

All of these groceries are very healthy and we should add it to our menu as often as possible.

Stay home during these difficult pandemic times! Work on yourself by learning something new, play your favorite instrument, read books, play with your kids and take care of your family. And don’t forget to eat healthily and to do some exercise.

A headache can get you tough when you least expect it and turn the easiest tasks into a painful endeavor. Severe piercing on one or both sides, sensitivity to light, nausea and weakness are some of the consequences of a strong headache that would make us just lie in bed. Migraines and headaches are beginning to torment more and more people, completely blocking normal everyday life.
Sara Crystal, a neurologist and migraine specialist, claims that most headaches are the result of stress, changes in biorhythm, hormonal imbalance and excess caffeine. In addition, a diet rich in chocolate, cheese, nitrates and additives is also a trigger for pain.
“The causes of migraines are often genetic. Every person has their own trigger. That’s why there is no universal solution for migraines.” she stated.

Common causes of headaches:

lack of sleep
alcohol abuse
some drugs
head injuries
dental diseases
neurological diseases

Essential oils can help you relieve your headache and reduce the need for analgesics.
Some of these oils will help keep you focused and concentrated if you plan to remain awake, while others – with the removal of a headache – will make you sleepy.

There are lots of oils that are good for fighting a headache and here are some of the most effective ones.

Top 5 Essential Oils for Headaches

1. Peppermint Oil

peppermint oil

If you suffer from headaches, valuable drops of peppermint oil will alleviate your problems. Rub a few drops of oil on your temples and leave for between 15 and 30 minutes. The anti-inflammatory effect of the mint will relieve your pain.

2. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus oil contains significant amounts of 1,8-cineole oxide. This compound is anti-inflammatory and promotes nasal mucosa cleansing. Thanks to this compound, eucalyptus oil has the strongest effect on headaches caused by sinusitis.

3. Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood calms and relaxes the central nervous system and is optimal for headaches caused by mental tension, agitation and exhaustion. It gives inner strength, which clears the mind and brings serenity. Use it sparingly, as sandalwood is on the list of endangered plants.

4. Roman Chamomile Oil

chamomile oil for headache

Chamomile is full of esters and provides anti-inflammatory and sedative effects. It is highly recommended for very sensitive people who have a “short temper”.
This oil will help you accept the constraints and leave the expectations too high. It has a calming effect, so it is most useful against headache in the evening and at night.

5. Grapefruit Oil

grapefruit oil for headache

Grapefruit oil enjoys a reputation for diuretics and cleansers. It has proven effective in headaches caused by frustration, irritation and guilt. It eliminates pain by clearing the mind and reducing the need to quickly satisfy emotions.

How to use these oils?

The most popular technique for applying headache oil is to massage the temples, forehead and possibly the back of the neck with some of the oils mentioned above or with the oil mixture.

In addition, you can smell a piece of cotton wool on which you have applied oil or mixture, spray selected oils from the sprayer around the room you are in or apply a few drops of oil to your pillow.

We also recommend a scented bath, but keep in mind that after bathing in warm water, you can be very sleepy, so warm baths should be avoided if you want to stay awake for a long time.

Aromatherapy can help you with less frequent, milder headaches but it will not cure the underlying causes of frequent, chronic or severe headaches. If you suffer from these disorders, consult your doctor.

It’s summertime, and we are all enjoying its benefits, holidays, seaside and the beautiful Sun. Although occasional exposure is recommended and healthy, it often happens that during the summer months we are not moderate.

Lots of us deal with the same problem this time of the year brings – sunburn. This can happen to anyone and can ruin our holiday and mood but most of all, it can damage our skin and health and accelerate skin aging.

Most of the people are being careful and responsible when it comes to protection from the strong sun. Avoiding sunbathing and exposure to direct sun rays between 10 am and 4 pm, wearing adequate clothes, using suncream, all of these precautionary measures can help but sometimes it’s not enough and you get burned from the sun anyways.

Sunburn is accompanied by redness of the skin, pain, burning, and other non-pleasant symptoms. Is there any home lotion that will solve these problems?

Еssential oils that will help you protect and heal your skin during the summer period

1. Calendula oil

Calendula Essential Oil

Calendula is an excellent remedy for alleviating sunburn. It has been proven that calendula stimulates the formation of new cells in the surface layers of the skin and leads to wounds healing. It stimulates the healing of purulent wounds. Thanks to carotenoids, flavonoids and saponins, it quickly recovers the skin. You can prepare the cladding by placing two flowers of this herb into one liter of boiling water. Wait until the tea cools down completely and then apply it and soak the gauze.

2. Geranium oil

Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium essential oil is often compared with the much more expensive rose essential oil. It has antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant properties. Diluted in vegetable oil and scrubbed to the skin it will prevent the formation of scars and dark spots. 

3. Peppermint oil

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint is also a great solution for sunburn. It is a rich source of vitamins A and C. In addition, the oil is also good for skincare as it contains folate and omega-3 fatty acids. Due to its cooling effect, peppermint helps to combat some skin problems such as sunburn. For more information and benefits of this unique oil, you can check the following articles: Peppermint Oil 1 and Peppermint Oil 2

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut Essential Oil

Coconut is always a good solution when it comes to eliminating the burns. Its fatty acid content reduces inflammation and revitalizes the skin and its moisturizing properties will prevent the common symptom of burns from the sun – swelling of the skin. Simply rub extra virgin coconut oil on burns and let it work for several hours. To promote healing of the skin, use coconut oil several times a day for several consecutive days.

5. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus is well known for its cooling effects. You can mix it with some of the other oils that have the same effect on the skin. Because of its properties, this oil quickly alleviates the pain of sunburn. The skin is very sensitive and vulnerable if it is burned and eucalyptus oil might also help it to prevent potential infections. More about this oil you can find here: Eucalyptus Oil

Like with most of the other essential oils, you should be careful with using these and inform yourself before applying to the skin.

Take care of your skin and it will be grateful to you! The skin remembers!

Menthol is the most famous ingredient of peppermint essential oil. It causes a pleasant feeling of cooling and reduces painful irritation, and momentarily removes pain and cramps in the muscles. There are certain receptors in the mouth that respond to the menthol, therefore, this ingredient creates a feeling of refreshment. It is a great addition to toothpaste, mouthwashes, chewing gums, breathing agents, tobacco substitutes, throat lozenges, ointments, and creams to relieve muscle pain. Menthol also works against viruses, bacteria, and fungi, but since it has stronger antimicrobial agents, it’s not used for this purpose. The largest number of plants with a strong antimicrobial effect are from the family of sores (sage/salvia, oregano, basil, thyme) and mint.

A pleasant way to enjoy the mint in the summer months is to make ice cubes with a peppermint flavor. You can do this by placing the mint leaves in a bowl for ice making and pour water over them. Another way is to have a Mojito instead. 🙂

We wrote about some of the most important benefits of peppermint essential oil in our last article and

Here are some more health benefits of the oil:

Improves the concentration and raises the level of energy

Its aroma and power give the energy to withstand long hours at work or when you are exhausted, and it is very effective in chronic fatigue.

It facilitates respiratory breathing

Inhalation with this beneficial oil successfully relief painful inflammation in the throat. It also has mucolytic properties, it’s breaking the dense secretion, facilitating its ejection and can help a lot with colds, coughs, and bronchitis. In the season of pollen allergy, you can mix the peppermint, eucalyptus and carnation oils in your diffuser and thus reduce the symptoms of allergy by inhaling.

Against nausea

Mint can be very helpful with nausea and vomiting and it is especially suitable for kinetosis (having these same symptoms while driving).

It lowers fever

Due to the natural effect of cooling that the essential oil of peppermint has, it has been very effective in lowering the body temperature. Simply mix it with a few drops of coconut oil and massage your feet in order to lower the temperature.

Repellent against insects

Regardless of whether you have a rash or not, a little etheric mint mixed with lavender and another carrier oil such as coconut can significantly reduce itching and soothe irritated skin, while simultaneously cooling the treated section.

Antibacterial effect

In addition to wild oregano, cinnamon, and thyme oil, peppermint belongs to the essential oils which are a strong rival in the fight against infections caused by resistant bacteria that have the ability to produce biofilm. Ticks are not the only insects that hate mint. The oil is also effective against ants, spiders, mosquitoes, cockroaches, and mice. If you plan to spend some nice spring days in nature, make sure to have your natural repellent for ticks and mosquitoes:

Place 10-15 drops of essential oil of peppermint in 20ml distilled water and place the mixture in a spray bottle. Before going out of the house, shake your mixture and sprinkle through the open parts of the skin.

Eliminates stress, refreshes the body and removes headaches

Mint improves circulation and relaxes tense muscles. Normally, these conditions could cause a headache and the essential oil of peppermint is an extraordinary natural remedy for headache. A study conducted at a Neurology Clinic in Germany showed that the combination of oils, including peppermint oil, applied locally has a strong analgesic and relaxing effect.

As we can conclude from our last two articles dedicated to this amazing oil, the fragrance of peppermint essential oil refreshes, regenerates, mentally stimulates. It’s light and clean. It works antiseptic, refreshing, analgesic. Increases body resistance, calms down inflammation, lowers temperature. Is there anything this plant cannot do for our health?! It is, without any doubt, one of the most beneficial and used herbs today.

If you have not had an essential oil of peppermint in your household so far, it’s time to put it in your personal pharmacy. Mint is one of the most popular herbs in the world and it is used in European countries for centuries.
However, neither ancient Japanese nor Chinese medicine remained immune to the medicinal properties of this plant. It is also mentioned in Greek mythology, which tells how Pluto transformed the nymph Ment into the plant because of his great love for her. All he wanted is people to appreciate her forever. Mint’s health benefits are also recorded on papyrus dating from the period of ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs.

Mentha piperita is the most important species of the Mentha genus because it contains the largest amount of medicinal substances. Peppermint has a very pleasant scent, especially its leaves because they contain most of the plant’s essential oil, from which, in fact, we get the most of its health benefits. Peppermint essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the fresh above-ground parts of the bouquet. The specific scent that refreshes and cools comes from the most important active substance of Mentha piperita, menthol, but besides it, this medicinal plant also contains other useful ingredients, which makes its effect multifaceted and versatile, and its application very wide. Numerous minerals and nutrients including manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium, folate, potassium and copper are all contained in this herb. It is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin C.

Peppermint Oil Usage

Suitable for both oral and inhalation usage and locally on the skin, essential peppermint oil, along with the lavender essential oil, has the broadest application of all essential oils. When applied on the skin it has a cooling effect and a calming effect on the body, which reduces muscle tension. It also has pronounced antibacterial properties so it can help with breathing and digestive problems. Experts recommend this oil when a person suffers from nausea and because of his soothing effect on the gastrointestinal system it calms muscle spasms and prevents vomiting.

Health benefits of essential oil of peppermint

It improves digestion, reduces bloating and stomach cramps

Peppermint essential oil naturally reduces the spasm of the intestine, relaxes the stomach muscles and in this way reduces the occurrence of spills and gases.

Mitigates the nervous intestines symptoms

Studies have shown that thanks to a high percentage of menthol, the oil reduces the irritable bowel symptoms disease because it relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestine and relieves abdominal cramps. During the study, the symptoms decreased by 50% in 75% of the subjects.

It refreshes the breath and reduces the formation of caries

Mint is great if you are fighting bad breath. According to the research, peppermint essential oil showed better results than any synthetic flushing agent based on alcohol and fluoride, both against unpleasant breathing and for maintaining oral hygiene.

For healthy and nourished hair

Peppermint essential oil improves circulation, especially if you apply it to the skin of the head. That’s why people often use it as an ingredient in many hair products. Mint is useful for hair follicle regeneration and stimulation of hair growth. It opens the pores and allows the skin of the head to breathe. Due to its pronounced antiseptic effect, it can help with dandruff and seborrhea.

Tip: Add 2 drops of peppermint oil and 5 drops of lavender oil in 2 tablespoons of warm coconut oil.Lubricate the hair and head with the mixture and let it stand for 15 minutes, then wash your hair with a mild plant shampoo (ex. nettles).

It relaxes muscles and reduces joint pain

The essential oil of peppermint is very effective in relaxing muscles and against pain. It is especially helpful for pain in the back and spine, headaches and painful inflammation of the muscles. When your joints hurt, mix the oil with lavender oil and some of the base oils (jojoba, coconut) and you will get great results. Although the mint has a cooling effect, this combination at the same time calms and reduces pain.

Stay tuned! There are some more benefits of this amazing oil which we would present in our next article…