Oils for Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is not a disease, it just requires special care. Such kind of skin needs adequate and more thorough attention. If you make a mistake somewhere and don’t treat it properly, you will immediately notice it – your skin will warn you. It is important to learn what your skin really needs.

It can appear anywhere on the body and is most pronounced on the face.

Sensitive skin requires extra care that would strengthen its defensive power, alleviate inflammation and prevent the occurrence of itching and redness.

A special group of plants that has this effect and acts to suppress redness and inflammation of the skin are the azulene plants. This group includes plants that contain aromatic hydrocarbons, better known as azulenes. Azulene has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and deodorizing effects. The highest concentration of azulene can be found in plants such as chamomile and yarrow, so if you have sensitive skin, it is best to include preparations made from these plants in your daily care.

Most useful herbs and oils to use for sensitive skin

Oils for Sensitive Skin

German Chamomile

The most famous plant that is widely known for its ability to alleviate redness, inflammation and protection from external influences. It is used to treat eczema, inflammatory skin processes and burns. Chamomile is harmless and cannot be overdosed.

Chamomile contains several active ingredients and the most important ones from which its healing effect comes are azulene and bisabolol.


It comes from the essential oil of chamomile obtained by distillation of flowers where the intense blue-colored azulene stands out. This is one of the main ingredients of sensitive skin prone to redness masks. So, if you are having this problem, look for this ingredient in their composition.


It is also a chamomile essential oil component. It is very beneficial because it has no allergens and irritating properties on the skin. Bisabolol is an extremely high-quality ingredient that has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is a component in many children’s products, face care cream and you can often find it in natural cosmetics, so when buying products for sensitive skin, be sure to find it on the list of raw materials.


Several studies have shown the benefits of Lavender on the skin. It has pronounced antimicrobial properties and therefore helps in the treatment of various skin diseases, such as eczema, blisters, seals, redness.

Lavender is an extremely medicinal plant that improves circulation which is very important for supplying the skin cells with oxygen. It gives our face a more beautiful and healthier look. If used in the form of oil, lavender has the power to penetrate deep into the skin very quickly, which improves its efficiency. Therefore, you will notice the results very quickly.

The greatest power of lavender lies in an ingredient called linalool. In terms of composition, it is natural alcohol, which, together with other medicinal components of lavender helps for its fast absorption. Linalool is also excellent to use in the production of perfumes, precisely because of its relaxing scent. In addition to linalool, lavender also contains linalyl acetate, tannins, flavonoids, phytosterols and coumarins.

It is important to mention that lavender is an allergen but despite that, its use rarely causes allergic reactions on the skin. Moreover, lavender very quickly and effectively removes other allergic reactions. However, we advise that before using Lavender oil or any other preparation that contains this plant, still to apply on a small part of the skin in case you have an allergic reaction. If no occurs, feel free to enjoy all charms of this amazing plant.


The Latin name of this plant, Achillea millefolium, comes from Achilles, who healed the wound of Telephus with this plant. It is very rich in active ingredients such as achilles, an essential oil with azulene, essential fatty acids, phytosterols, phosphates, as well as salicylic, formic and acetic acid.
This herb has an antiseptic effect on the skin, suppresses inflammation and redness and shrinks enlarged pores. It is good to use for shampoos and baths but its main application is in preparation for suppressing irritations and redness. Thus, Yarrow is one of the most desirable raw materials if you’re looking to take care of your sensitive skin.