
Melissa officinalis is one of the rare plants that are at the same time medicinal, fragrant, decorative, spicy, aromatic and industrial. It has been cultivated in southern Europe and northern Africa for more than two millennia. It grows in beehives, yards, near settlements, along fences and hedges, in forests. Bees simply adore it, which is why it got the name ”royal jelly”. It blooms from June to September and has a specter of flower colors, from tiny white, whitish-yellow, bluish and pale pink. It has a scent reminiscent of lemon which is why we also know it as lemon balm.

Arabs were the first to use this plant for medicinal purposes, making tea from it against tension and depression. This practice continued in the Middle Ages and vidars used it against pain, metabolic problems and insomnia, as well as for better appetite and digestion. In France, lemon balm is still the most useful plant for eliminating fatigue and headaches. For greater effectiveness, mix it with valerian, chamomile and hops.

Melissa Oil and Tea Against Depression

Melissa is a great natural remedy against mental problems, depression, anxiety, fear, tension and other disorders caused by stress. It is a particularly good natural remedy against fears of diseases – hypochondria. For the treatment of mental disorders, combine lemon balm with other medicinal plants that have a similar effect. You can use valerian, chamomile, lavender. It refreshes and improves the mood and due to its extremely pleasant smell, it is used in pharmacy, as well as in the perfume and cosmetics industry. Research by German scientists has shown that Melissa essential oil acts on the part of the brain that controls the autonomic nervous system, thus protecting it from negative external influences. In addition to extremely valuable oil, it also contains phenolic acids, flavonoids, bitter substances, tannin.

Melissa officinalis

Melissa tea helps to overcome stressful situations, depression, as well as headaches caused by nervousness or vomiting on a nerve basis. Stress also causes irregular menstruation and this herb can help with this problem too. In addition, it improves memory, evokes beautiful thoughts, regulates digestion. It strengthens and recovers the heart, has an antibacterial effect and helps heal wounds. It also cleanses the blood, slightly dilates peripheral blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.

Note: people who take sedatives and thyroid medications should not use lemon balm without first consulting a doctor.

French herbalist Maurice Mess best describes the value of lemon balm: “Melissa officinalis is the queen of all stimulating herbs. To a clumsy lover, a restless head of the family, women burdened with problems, desperate, everyone who is accompanied by a feeling of defeat in life, I advise this magical plant, which renews the organism, restores strength and joy of life.”

Here’s how you can make Melissa tea:

Pour a teaspoon of dried lemon balm over 200 ml of boiling water. Cover and left it to stand for five minutes before you drink it. If you decide to use it internally, you can put a couple of essential oil drops (1-2) into a cup of tea or another beverage. You can check other effective ways of using Melissa oil in this article and buy 5ml or 10ml bottles directly from us in our shop here:

The odor is the only one of the five senses that is directly linked to the limbic lobe (center of emotion control) in the brain. Thanks to this, smells can affect our mood and emotions. The scents of certain essential oils can awaken positive emotions, act soothing and even act as an aphrodisiac.

Here is an example of how scents are closely related to emotions and memory. You have probably experienced a “fragrant deja vu” where the scent evokes a strong memory accompanied by emotions. The trigger can be any scent that is associated with memory and emotions – your dad used to put on a certain after-shave lotion, mom’s cookies. Go back to the past for a moment. You may be surprised by the clarity of your memory. You can experience exactly the same emotions you felt then. This type of “deja vu” is more strongly associated with the sense of smell than with any other senses. And that tight connection between the scent and the brain is the main reason why aromatherapy has a very positive effect on the mind and body.

Best essential oils for uplifting mood

1. Melissa Oil

melissa oil for good mood

Due to its antidepressant properties, the melissa essential oil acts as a mood lifter. Researchers have shown that it effectively fights sadness and brings joy to one’s life.

2. Lavender Oil

The scent of this oil has a calming effect and helps reduce stress. Lavender helps to relieve nervousness and acts as an antidepressant, while also helping with headaches and migraines.

3. Jasmine Oil

This oil has a relaxing effect and helps to relieve nervousness and acts as an antidepressant. Jasmine essential oil evokes a sense of confidence, self-confidence and helps revitalize energy.

This oil is an ideal choice when you want to feel good in your skin, you need confidence and a sense of vitality.

4. Lemon Oil

The scent of this oil improves concentration, makes it refreshing and relaxing. The aroma of lemon essential oil helps to balance emotions, acts antidepressant, reduces the feeling of anger and gives an instant feeling of energy.

This oil is an ideal choice during winter days because it has anti-viral and antibacterial properties and helps treat flu and colds, and when used in a diffuser, acts as a natural space disinfectant.

5. Cinnamon Oil

This oil has a stimulating effect and helps to eliminate the feeling of fatigue and exhaustion. Cinnamon essential oil improves concentration and memory and is ideal (as well as rosemary and mint oil) for performing mental activities, such as learning.

6. Ylang-Ylang Oil

ylangylang oil for good mood

This sweet smell oil has a relaxing effect on the mind. The oil releases nervousness, reduces the feeling of anger and instantly improves mood. This oil also has aphrodisiac properties and is an ideal choice for creating a romantic atmosphere with a diffuser.

7. Rosemary Oil

This oil improves concentration and memory and helps relieve fatigue. The scent of this oil helps with the headache and gives you a sense of energy and vitality. This oil also helps to relieve muscle aches from fatigue and is therefore ideal for relaxing and “regaining energy” after a tiring workday.

8. Peppermint Oil

This oil instantly improves concentration, provides energy, stimulates clear reasoning and stimulates the mind. It is ideal for refreshing space and as an “aid” while learning or performing any mental activity, as well as for immediate awakening.

9. Grapefruit Oil

Grapefruit oil restores peace and harmony, refreshes and relaxes. It is rich in antioxidant substances that stimulate the immune system and prevent the action of free radicals in the environment. Orange oil has similar effects, it relaxes, makes us psychologically stronger, fosters a sense of security.

10. Rose Oil

Rose oil alleviates panic attacks, anxiety and sadness. Inhalation or other application of this oil can raise energy levels and contribute to mental and physical balance.

All of these oils can bring us many benefits and improve our mood. It is up to you to choose the ones that suit you best.

Essential oils are herbal products of a very strong odor. They are fragrant, volatile mixtures of various chemical compounds, liquid products of plant tissue. Many organic compounds are present in their composition: alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, various fatty acids. The basic component is terpenoids.

In general, they have a very wide application in medicine, pharmacy, perfumery and cosmetics, food, culinary and agriculture. They are fragrant mixtures, easily volatile, which are synthesized and localized in special secretory structures of plants and can be pre-distilled with water vapor.

Species that are particularly rich in oils are species from families: Pinaceae, Rutaceae, Apiaceae, Zingiberaceae, Lauraceae, Lamiaceae, Myrtaceae and Asteraceae. They can be found in every part of the plant: roots, trees, leaves, flowers and fruits of plants. Depending on which part of the plant the essential oil is obtained from, there are different types of oil of one plant.


Essential Oils in Pharmacy


Oils in the Pharmaceutical Industry


Oils that are of importance for pharmaceutical purposes are those plants that, by distillation with water vapor, yield over 0.01% of the essential oil. Certain essential oils are very viscous or of a solid consistency at room temperature (e.g. iris essential oil). When it comes to the organoleptic properties of essential oils, they are generally colorless, yellow or yellow-green, although there are also bright essential oils (e.g. cinnamon, clove) oils. Their odor is intense and its origin is derived from components with an oxygen group. The taste is also intense.

Essential oils are liposoluble, while the by-products of steam distillation in order to isolate the essential oils or dissolve the essential oil in water, obtain aqueous solutions of the hydro-solubility constituents of the essential oils – aromatic water. Aromatic waters are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry.

These products are easily susceptible to oxidation and should be packaged in small, dark, filled bottles and stored in cold or cool temperatures.

The most valuable oils are the one that provides high-quality care (e.g. Melissa, Peppermint, Yarrow). Some of these oils could be found in this article: Most Expensive Essential Oils

It is very difficult to standardize essential oils to always have the same color, taste and aroma because there are various properties of the oils that depend on climatic factors (temperature, humidity, time of harvesting the vegetable raw material, etc.), the method of processing and the genotype of the oil (within one type there are more types of plants).

When oils do not always look the same, this is proof that this is a truly natural product without the addition of artificial colors, fragrances and preservatives. Most of the food we buy in the store is standard in the same taste, smell, appearance and color. This is thanks to the addition of a large number of chemicals that make it possible to standardize the product.

These natural products can help us with fighting lots of health problems, such as viruses, High blood pressure, Diabetes

We should always keep in mind that nature is infinitely diverse and the only real source of life energy for us!

Never underestimate the power of nature, use its products properly and nature will reveal you all of its best.

Botanical Name | Dracocephalum Moldavica

  • Plant Family | Lamiaceae
  • Area of Origin | Eastern Asia, Eastern Europe, Bulgaria, Russia, and Ukraine
  • Extraction Method | Steam Distilled
  • Plant Part | Leaves, Flowering Tops
  • Aroma | Sweet, Fresh, Floral, Lemony
  • Strength of Aroma | Medium
  • Consistency | Thin

Even the name of this rare plant sounds epic, right? This multi-beneficial and very beautiful herb obviously got its name because of the flowers that look like a dragon head. What is also interesting about this herb is that, in general, it is very similar to Melissa (Lemon Balm). While Melissa is often called – Lemon Balm, dragonhead has a similar nickname too – Moldavian Balm.

Interesting Fact:

This herb is very famous among beekeepers because it attracts and calms bees easily.

Moldavian Dragonhead is useful for uplifting the spirit, lightens heavy emotions and gives the heart courage. It relieves stress and helps us to calm down and approach a subject with a fresh perspective. This is a great herb to use during times of restlessness, anxiety and emotional exhaustion. Dragonhead is harvested from beautiful dragon-shaped deep purple flowers, from which it gets its name. It has a smooth, fresh, lemony fragrance. Due to its extremely low yield during distillation, this is not one of the cheapest oils you can find on the market but it is, without any doubt, worth the investment so you can boost your overall health. Only a little bit of this product will benefit your organism in many ways.

Moldavian Dragonhead Essential Oil

Dragonhead Essential Oil

Properties: analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, cardiovascular tonic, immunostimulant, sedative, stomachic.

Main benefits:

  • Soothes an upset stomach
  • Supports the immune system
  • Protects the body against environmental threats
  • Uplifts the mind and body
  • Relieves stress, helps the body and mind handle stressful situations

What makes Moldavian dragonhead essential oil really exciting for the essential oil enthusiasts is its high Geranyl acetate content. Other essential oils that contain Geranyl acetate include bergamot, citronella, geranium, lavender, lemon, neroli, and petitgrain. Dragonhead is the only essential oil with geranyl acetate as its main component – up to 44%!

This unique product is helpful for the whole body, and both our digestive and immune systems. Dragonhead essential oil calms emotions while boosting the immune system, relieves pain, helps with inflammation and is also helpful for digestive upsets. Dragonhead has been indicated in studies to help ease altitude sickness. It also helps with gastrointestinal complaints, stomach cramps and helps increase the formation of gastric acid. It fights infections and will help ease the symptoms of the flu. Dragonhead also increases the functions of the liver and bile. Even the seeds of this plant are beneficial, they have omega-3 fatty acids.

Because of its beneficial purposes on the digestive tract, dragonhead tea is very good to use too.

Blends well with:

Lemon, Lavender, Citronella, Basil linalool, Cedarwood (all), Bergamot, Turmeric CO2, Grapefruit Pink, Jasmine Absolute, May Chang, Orange (both), Petitgrain, Geranium Egyptian.

If you ever decide to get this magnificent product and use it to0 improve any of the health conditions mentioned above, you will not regret for a second. You will be amazed by its effectiveness and properties.


Recommended only for external use. Not recommended in pregnancy or without a doctor’s care. Keep it out of the reach of children.

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common endocrinological diseases of modern society. Diabetes is, to put it bluntly, a condition of elevated blood sugar. Insulin is a hormone that regulates the process of taking glucose from the blood into most cells in the body. If insufficient amounts of insulin are secreted, or for some reason, it does not affect the entry of glucose into the cells, then it is retained in the blood and hyperglycemia or elevated blood sugar occurs.

In addition to genetics and modern lifestyles, exposure to stressful situations, sleeplessness, unbalanced diet are factors that can also stimulate the onset of this disease.

The most common classification of diabetes is type I diabetes, type II diabetes and gestational diabetes.

Type I diabetes is the type of diabetes most commonly associated at younger ages. It is due to a lack of insulin and elevated glucagon. In this type of diabetes, the pancreatic cells practically do not secrete the hormone insulin. The most common symptoms are frequent urination, thirst, weight loss, impaired vision.

Type II diabetes was also called insulin-independent. More than 90% of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Most people are between the ages of 40 and 60, although it has been increasingly seen in younger people lately.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes are mild, the disease often goes unnoticed, affects both sexes and is detected when complications are already present.

Natural healing

Medicines coming from nature can also help lower blood sugar levels. Natural remedies additionally help in the treatment of diabetes, but that does not mean that you do not need to take care of your diet, increase physical activity and follow the treatment prescribed by your specialist or doctor. Celery, dandelion, fresh carrots can help lower blood sugar. Vegetables that are also helpful are the green leek, garlic and onions. Another way of fighting diabetes is the usage of essential oils.

Essential Oils for Diabetes

Black cumin oil

Essential Oils for Diabetes

One of the most valued oils in the world is black cumin oil. This cold squeezed oil is widely used today and has been used not only for medical purposes but also as a dietary supplement.

The use of black cumin oil dates back to the Ancient Egyptians. Bottles of black cumin oil were found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun while Cleopatra nourished her body with just this oil. For more than 2000 years, cumin has shown a wide range of effects against a variety of diseases, including diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, allergies, asthma and migraines but over the past 60 years, its many effective properties have come to light.

Black cumin oil is rich in unsaturated and essential fatty acids. The highest content is linoleic and oleic acids (as much as 75 to 90%), followed by palmitoleic. The most saturated fatty acids are stearic and palmitic acids. In addition, it also includes vitamins A, C, E, vitamin B complex, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, selenium, sodium, copper, phosphorus and folic acid.

Studies have shown a wide range of effects of black cumin oil: helps with heavy breathing, cough, asthma, stimulates immune functions, reduces digestive problems such as flatulence, gas, diarrhea, has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, hypoglycemic, antihypertensive, antioxidant and antioxidant properties. Oral intake of the oil in combination with some other active substances such as vitamin E, beta-carotene and biotin eliminates the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and pollen allergy and helps with eczema, dry skin and itching.

This essential oil has shown its effectiveness against type 2 diabetes in many studies, so it can be used as an adjunct to standard therapy in the treatment of this widespread disease. It acts on the cells of the pancreas by increasing the secretion of insulin in the body while lowering blood sugar levels. People with diabetes often also have a disorder of fat metabolism whereby this magical oil lowers bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

Cinnamon sticks essential oil

Essential Oils for Diabetes

Another oil that helps lower blood sugar is cinnamon stick essential oil. It has a beneficial effect on diabetes because it lowers blood sugar levels, facilitates the secretion of insulin from the pancreas (in type II diabetes) and reduces insulin resistance in peripheral tissues. Thanks to these properties, this oil delays and slows the onset of complications of diabetes.

Almond oil

Essential Oils for Diabetes

It is effective as olive oil, avocado or peanut oil

Scientific Fact: Just a little almond oil every day is enough to control diabetes. Monounsaturated oils obtained from almonds, olives and avocados are good for reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) without negatively affecting good cholesterol (HDL).

“Two in three diabetics die from a heart attack, so it’s important to keep your heart healthy, and these oils will help you do that.” advises Dr. Barbara Alan.

Melissa Oil (Lemon Balm Oil)

Essential Oils for Diabetes

A study from 2015. has shown that this oil can successively help people with high blood sugar levels. This is because Melissa oil encourages cells to consume glucose. The team carried out the test in a lab, not with humans, but it suggests that the oil may be beneficial for blood sugar levels when a person uses it in a diffuser or applies it to the skin. The effectiveness of lemon balm oil is huge, even small amounts of the oil may help to curb type 2 diabetes.

Oregano Oil

The antioxidant properties of oregano are mild and have a central effect on the enzyme amylase, which is essential for the treatment of high blood sugar. A 2004 scientific study found that ‘marjoram’ oregano oil can reduce enzyme amylase by 9-54%, and is ideal for preventing hyperglycemia and other complications caused by diabetes. Oregano is also good for treating parasites and bacterial infections.

Other essential oils that are helpful in fighting diabetes are grapefruit, black pepper, coriander and black seed oils.

People who have diabetes know well that they have to live a certain way of life, to eat healthily and to control their blood sugar regularly. All these essential oils could be really helpful in their therapy.

Interesting Facts! 
Melissa was a bee-nymph who nursed the infant Zeus with honey in his youth and helped him gain his great power to later became king of the gods. The plant of the same name was named in the nymph’s honor.

Melissa, also known as Lemon Balm or Balm Mint, is a perennial member of the mint family, native to North Africa and the Mediterranean region. The Melissa officinalis plant is nothing thrilling to look at, simply a low growing plant with serrated heart-shaped leaves and tiny little flowers. However, this is a classic example that great things can come from the most humble sources, for each leaf containing just a little of this delicate and magical oil with a powerfully effective lemon scent.

When the goddess Venus was absent, bees would nurse Cupid with nectar from the Melissa plant. The 16th-century physician/alchemist Paracelsus referred to Melissa oil as the “Elixir of Life” believing that its use could completely revivify a debilitated individual.

Today, this precious essential oil is celebrated for a wide array of soothing and balancing properties. This extraordinary herb can help you balance your body and it will boost your immune system. It is considered to be the right cleaner (tonic) for all systems in the body and it promotes the absorption and will eliminate or relieve pain, lower your body temperature when you are sick.

Effectively, this oil will eliminate the fever, suppress the infection and stimulate sweating which detoxifies the body and regulates the body temperature. Thus, it will also be effective in preventing various infections in the stomach, intestines, urine, as well as healing of wounds of all kinds. It helps to treat diseases such as typhoid fever, food poisoning, various skin diseases and even malaria. Lemon balm oil prevents all types of sepsis. It also helps to stop bleeding by narrowing the blood vessels effectively.

More healing properties of this amazing oil you can read here: Top 5 Benefits of Using Melissa Essential Oil

Looking for a trusted source of pure Melissa oil, we are soon launching smaller retail quantities, so stay tuned and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter and social channels! 🙂

They are used in aromatherapy in various forms, to improve mood, treat various health problems and in cosmetics. Put a few drops in your favorite bath and enjoy yourself in beautiful aromas that will revitalize you. Essential oils can also be used with scented candles or as a fragrance for your interior. They are also used for massage. These amazing oils are extracts from aromatic plants obtained from flowers, dried buds, leaves, stems, bark, vegetable resins, seeds, fruits. Various methods are used such as distillation, extraction. We already wrote about some of them in our blog but now we want to present to you some of the best quality and most expensive essential oils on the market. Enjoy the journey and learn more about these beautiful natural products:

The Most Expensive Essential Oils

 1. Rose Essential Oil

This is one of the most famous and valuable oils in the world. In order to get one kilogram of these precious substances, it takes four tons of roses. No other herb in history has caused more sighs than the official queen of all flowers – rose. Its oil is obtained by distillation of fresh petals with water vapor and contains over three components, of which the most common are citronellol, geraniol, nerol, phenylethanol and stearoptene. Learn more about one of this lovely herb in the following article: Rosa Damascena (Bulgarian Rose)

2. Agarwood Oil

Agarwood oil, also known as Oud oil, Aloeswood oil, and by other names, depending on the location, is an extremely rare and valuable natural oil obtained from several species of Agarwood (Aquilaria sp.) Trees. It originates from northeastern India, Bhutan and parts of Southeast Asia – in particular, Vietnam and Cambodia – the Philippines and Indonesia, including Papua New Guinea. The essential oil of agarwood has a very long history of medical use, as a valuable component of incense, and as an aromatic oil. There are several types of agar, and the most important species are Aquilaria agollocha, A. malaccensis and A. crassna. Aquilaria malaccensis is endangered and protected throughout the world under the CITES Convention, and A. crassna is listed as endangered by the Vietnamese government.

This multi-beneficial oil gives balance to the skin, revitalizes it, it can cure burns, skin diseases caused by viruses. It is also known as an aphrodisiac and is very efficient as a treatment for depression, and tumors of the lungs and stomach.

Because of all of its properties, and the fact that it is one of the rarest and most precious woods in the world, the price of agarwood oils varies from aloeswood that costs as little as $20 a kilogram, while the finest oud was distilled from wood that today has a starting price of $50,000 per kilogram.

 3. Neroli Essential Oil (Citrus aurantium ssp. amara) 

Bitter Orange Blossom is highly antidepressant, antiseptic, tonic, spasmodic, fungicidal, healing and sedative. One of the most precious and rare oils in aromatherapy. It is used in many popular perfumes, including the famous and seductive Chanel N°5.

It got its name by a princess, Anne Marie Orsini, princess of Nerola, Italy, who lived in the 17th century. This lady was the first to use and introduce this product, which is made from the blossom of the bitter orange tree and has a honey-like sweetness to it with some spicy tone. The prize for this oil is ‘royal’ too, it costs around $140 for 5-ml or $1.40 per drop.

Oil of Neroli

4. Sandalwood Essential Oil‎

The oil of sandalwood is extracted by steam distillation from the remains of the wood with the same name. Due to the richness of antioxidants, it is added to skincare products because it slows down the process of aging and relaxation of the skin. Diluted in vegetable oil is used to massage the body, as it affects the relaxation of the muscles and relieving cramps. It establishes a spiritual balance.

Used in cosmetics, perfume making, and Ayurvedic medicine, this product is recommended by many experts. Considering this tree is produced only in India and that it is the second-most expensive tree in the world, and especially because the process of making the oil is pretty complicated, its prize is pretty high – for 30 grams you will have to pay around $500.

Oil Sandalwood

 5. Melissa Essential Oil

Our personal fav, the product we personally produce and have already written about a lot in our previous articles. Here are the most important Facts about Melissa oil and why it is expensive.

Feel free to contact us for a quote.

 6. Ylang-Ylang essential oil (Cananga Odorata flower oil)

It is obtained by steam distillation from tropical tree flowers from the Annonaceae family, grown on only a few islands in the Indian Ocean. In the Philippines, people mixed scented flowers with coconut oil and used this blend for their hair and body. The ylang-ylang fragrance is intensely sweet. The extraction procedure is done in several fractions, and the most quality ones are mainly used for perfumes making.

The oil of ylang-ylang is most often used for depression and squalor, panic and sexual problems – its relaxing properties create an incentive atmosphere. It also lowers blood pressure, soothes heart palpitations, tachycardia, relaxes, and soothes fear and anger.

Effects on spirit:

Brings peace to the troubled spirit! This is priceless, don’t you agree?

Essential Oil of Ylang-Ylang

7. Jasmine Essential Oil

Last, but not least. We want to end this article with the King of essential oils. Read more about it here: Jasmine oil – King of Essential oils

The price for this ”King” is also king worthy – $103.00 for 5-ml or $1.03 per drop.

Jasmine Oil-Most Expensive Oils

Hope you liked this article, and that you would want to own some of these extraordinary products.

Aromatherapy is an ancient art of using essential oils and it is known and used for centuries. Even the old Egyptians, Greeks, Indians, Chinese and Romans discovered its benefits. An interesting fact is that 5000 years ago Ancient Egyptians used essential oils to add them to hand creams and hair treatments. So, technically, we might call them the ”first aromatherapy people”.

Simplified, this is the alternative medicine form that uses concentrated essences made from different types of fruits, flowers, beneficial grasses and plants in general as a therapy. It is mostly applied by inhalation, skinning and sometimes by oral usage of the oils.

But this beautiful skill is not just that. This is the technique that observes human like a complete being, considering and nurturing all the levels of his being and doing: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Aromatherapy is a way of life and a whole life process. 

One of the traditional ways of using essential oils in aromatherapy is their evaporation in diffusers. It is important to choose the right diffuser, that will suit your needs and your ambient. The usage of quality oils is crucial as well as the proper usage of a diffuser. There are lots of essential oil blends that can do wonders for your health. However, before you decide to mix them, you must do research and learn more about essential oils categories, properties and mixtures. We have done our ”homework” and want to share it with you:

3 Amazing Aromatherapy Oil Blends

1. Diffuser Blends

There are various beneficial combinations for diffuser blends recipes. We want to show you just a few, so we can encourage and inspire you to create your own combo.

5 drops Lavander 6 drops Rosemary 1 drop Cinnamon

4 drops Rosewater 1 drop Peppermint 1 drop Jasmine

1 drop Ylag Ylang 3 drops Lavender 3 drops Sweet Orange

1 drop Roman chamomile 5 drops Lime

3 drops Melissa

2 drops Grapefruit

3 drops Frankincense

2. Inhaler Blends

If you are away from your home or cannot use a diffuser for any reason, these blends are a great substitute. They are discrete and portable. There are various types of inhaler blends, and here are the ones that help in different situations and that we have picked out for you.

Energize  Focus

4 drops Lemon Essential Oil 4 drops Rosemary Essential Oil

4 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil 8 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil

4 drops Hemlock Spruce Essential Oil 3 drops Cypress Essential Oil

3 drops Peppermint Essential Oil


5 drops Lemon Essential Oil

8 drops Ginger Essential Oil

2 drops Cardamom Essential Oil

3.Memory and Concentration Blends

These mixtures are welcome anytime, anywhere. Good memory and concentration are something we all need so we can get the most of our days. Aromatherapy is the right path to follow and these essential oils are its faithful allies. Together they can boost our brains and pave the way for our quality lives.

3 drops Lemon                     2 drops Rosemary                    2 drops Lemon

2 drops Peppermint            1 drop Basil                                3 drops Rosemary

2 drops Cypress

We hope you will find these blends useful and that you will feel inspired to create some more mixtures because the right combination of elements can delight all your senses. Aromatherapy methods are magical when you know how to properly use them, but before you embark on this journey, inform yourself about all possible side effects, especially if you’re expecting a baby because pregnant women are only allowed to use some mixtures of essential oils.

We are very proud to introduce the production processes around this multi-beneficial product. The main benefits of Lemon Balm oil are already explained in this article: Top 5 Benefits of Using Melissa Essential Oil and now, we highlight the very own process of growing and producing Melissa Essential Oil. Let’s recapitulate some basic info about this plant:

Melissa Officinalis (sci. name), is a very useful plant due to the essential oil obtained by distillation of its leaves. The name Melissa is actually taken from the Greek word for ”Honey Bee”. Other popular names are Balm mint, sweet Melissa, lemon balm, sweet Mary, dropsy plant, English balm, garden balm, balm mint, common balm.

It belongs to the mint family (Labiatae Family) and it grows in Western Asia, North Africa but mostly in the Mediterranean region and Southern Europe (Bulgaria). Due to its wide beneficial use, it is distributed throughout the whole world and getting more and more popular. At first, when introduced in the USA, it was only cultivated for the dried herb. It has been used for centuries, since the Middle Ages.

Melissa Oil growing and production

The plant has a distinct fragrant lemon scent and taste. It is a spreading herb with a short root-stock. The top of the plant cannot live during the winter, but the root is more sinewy. Melissa’s stems are square and branching, and they can grow 30-60 cm. Leaves are very pretty, they are heart-shaped, and usually 30-50 mm long, shiny on the top, deeply veined and wrinkled. Lemon balm flower is either white, yellow or pale blue. This amazing plant grows best in alluvial soil, excess water is harmful, while yields diminish in light and dry soils.

When it comes to essential oil supply, Melissa Oil is often sold as being diluted or as a blend of lemongrass and citronella oils. Pure Melissa oil has its own unique properties and aroma. The true oil high cost is justified due to its hard production, manual labor involved and of course, its unique benefits and uses. You need around 3.5 to 7.5 tons of its leaves to produce just 1 pound of essential oil. The final product of the herb, which is very sweet-smelling, is a pale yellow liquid with lemon freshly aroma. If you see somewhere that this oil is selling at very low prices, it means that it is not real Lemon balm oil, that is, is badly produced and doesn’t have the main beneficial properties this oil needs to have.

Melissa organic essential oil

All of our new customers get 10% OFF on our Organic Melissa Essential Oil by using code MELISSA10 at checkout.

As such the only and true Melissa is an expensive but multi-beneficial oil and if you decide to buy it, don’t settle on cheap tricks but rather decide to buy it at proven distribution chains. With that in mind, you can taste our own pure Melissa oil and be sure that you get the highest possible quality.

Essential oils are very respected in the East and popular on the West, people all over the planet are familiar with their effects and are using them for various occasions. Even if you are a supporter of classic medicine, you cannot deny their effects and it might be good to have some of these amazing oils in your locker, together with other medicine.

We present to you some of the most used and effective oils:

1. Chamomile Oil

This oil has been used for centuries, even the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans knew its benefits. It is most often used in aromatherapy because it has a soothing and relaxing effect. It helps with nervous disorders, irritability, insomnia. It’s also good at preventing the development of stomach ulcers. The oil helps with stomach and bowel disorders such as cramps, inflammation of the colon, stomach ache, excess gastric acid. It causes sweating and therefore doesn’t allow the organism to have a high temperature.

Chamomile oil is one of the best means for treating inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes. Experts recommend it for the treatment of various burns and ulcers. Antioxidants from the chamomile protect the skin from UV rays, it contains levomenol that improves the skin’s structure. It helps with acne, various irritations, rash, and other skin problems. By using this oil, your skin will be softer and brighter.

2. Lavender Oil

This oil is often called ‘medicinal treasure from the bottle’ because of its wide range of applications. That is why you can find it in every home and it is practically used every day, everywhere.
Beneficial properties of lavender were the key to the beginnings of modern aromatherapy and it is often used for perfume, soaps, creams, and lotions making.

Lavender is a Mediterranean plant that has been used as a medicine for insomnia, depression, tension since ancient times. The essential oil made from this plant helps reduce pain, both rheumatic and muscle pain, as well as pain caused by swelling. In addition, it establishes a hormonal balance and relieves inflammation of the bladder. Then, it lowers pressure, disinfects the skin, stimulates circulation.
Lavender is considered to accelerate wounds healing process and reduce cuts, and also reduce stress in different situations. It also fights anxiety.

3. Melissa Oil

Melissa – a plant that returns the joy of life. We have already presented the amazing essential oil made from this plant. It is obtained by distillation from the leaves and stems of the Melissa plant and is very efficient in fighting insomnia, stress, and anxiety. Melissa also supports the brainchild of fighting Alzheimer’s disease and improve memory and concentration. It is also used in the fight against tension, disturbance, and irritability. It reduces headaches and high temperature, relieves menstrual cramps.

All in all, these three multi-beneficial essential oils can do so much for our overall health and make our lives better and easier.

No matter which essential oil you decide to use, make sure you follow the instructions of the experts and use them correctly.