spring oils

Beautiful springtime is finally here and we can forget about winter monotony. Sunshine and green trees, nice weather and colorful flowers, everything grows and shines. Spring represents the energy of the tree. It is a time to purify the body, the mind, the emotions, the spirit and the place where we live and reside.

However, the beginning of nature’s awakening also means the beginning of spring allergies. Sneezing, a runny nose, a swollen feeling of the whole head and constant fatigue can very easily ruin the sunny days that we could hardly wait for. Essential oils can be a great way to treat even the worst allergy symptoms, and even better, side effects are minimal and often completely non-existent! This is also the time of the year where lots of insects bother and bite us.

Aromatherapy can help us with this too. Spring is the time of nice weather but some people can feel depressed too. The best way to promote a good mood is through a natural way. This is why we should be encouraged to use the most useful spring essential oils.

Top 5 Spring Essential Oils

1. Eucalyptus oil

With a specific scent, eucalyptus oil has a great anti-inflammatory effect and also acts as a means of reducing congestion, antiseptic and antibacterial spray.

2.  Rosemary oil

This essential oil is usually used as a means of protection against insects but it is also known to effectively alleviate sore throats and respiratory problems. It also works against dandruff and other skin allergies.

Rosemary oil can also help with hair growth and is also believed to improve tracking, concentration and even creativity.

spring oils

3. Clove oil

Clove essential oil acts as an analgesic and has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it great for topical applications.
You can use it if you have a toothache which can calm it until you go to a dentist.
It is also good for use in aromatherapy to open the bronchial passages and relieve a stuffy nose.

4. Peppermint Oil

One of the great, multi-purpose essential oils is certainly peppermint oil which has various applications.
It can be used to relieve blocked airways but it also facilitates digestion, calms the stomach and reduces inflammation.

5. Lavender Oil

Lavender essential oil is one of the most versatile essential oils.
It is great for calming nervousnessreducing fever and can even lower blood pressure when used in aromatherapy.
If you apply it topically, it is ideal for reducing inflammation and alleviating rashes, mosquito or other insect bites.

Other useful oils are all citrus oils, bergamot, cypress, melissa oil.

Insect bites

If you go on a nature trip, you can apply all the uncovered parts of the body with the following mixture:

– 5 drops of each of the following essential oils – rosemary, orange, peppermint, eucalyptus and citronella with 60 ml of base oil.
– If you prefer a spray, you can put aloe vera juice instead of base oil.

If something bites you anyway, try one of the following recipes:

Bee sting: remove the sting with tweezers and apply a cold compress prepared from one teaspoon (5ml) of baking soda and a tablespoon (15ml) of lavender flower water or distilled water mixed with a few drops of chamomile or lavender essential oil. Do the same when bitten by an ant.
Mosquito bite: apply undiluted lavender, tea tree oil or a mixture.
Tick ​​/ leech bite: Apply pure tea tree essential oil to the bitten area. After twenty minutes, remove the tick or leech with your fingers (unless it has fallen off on its own). Apply tea tree essential oil three times a day for 7 days to avoid infection.
Spider bite: Mix 2-3 drops of tea tree and lavender with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of alcohol or apple cider vinegar. Lubricate the bite site 3 times a day.
Wasp sting: put a cold compress soaked in a mixture of apple cider vinegar and two drops of lavender or tea tree on the place of the sting. Change the dressing until the swelling subsides.